Win XP boot problem "Isass.exe error message"




I'm wondering if anyone can tell me what the following message means

Isass.exe - System error

An I/O operation initiated by the Registry failed unrecoverably

if you hit OK it reboots... I used my pc this morning ...I do know my
pc will go to sleep after 15 minutes or so if not used and sometimes
the disk doesn't wake up ... you have to power cycle ...and it always
fixes itself but not tonight and nothing has changed .... it's a dual
boot system but the boot block is not on the actual windows disk ... I
asked before if it's safe to install the boot block on the Windows
disk without distroying data but never got an answer...

So is it easy to fix the System error ???

Thanks in advance



I'm wondering if anyone can tell me what the following message means

Isass.exe - System error

An I/O operation initiated by the Registry failed unrecoverably

if you hit OK it reboots... I used my pc this morning ...I do know my
pc will go to sleep after 15 minutes or so if not used and sometimes
the disk doesn't wake up ... you have to power cycle ...and it always
fixes itself but not tonight and nothing has changed .... it's a dual
boot system but the boot block is not on the actual windows disk ... I
asked before if it's safe to install the boot block on the Windows
disk without distroying data but never got an answer...

So is it easy to fix the System error ???

Thanks in advance
Isass.exe is part of a virus. See these links:

David H. Lipman

From: <[email protected]>

| Hi,
| I'm wondering if anyone can tell me what the following message means
| ....
| Isass.exe - System error
| An I/O operation initiated by the Registry failed unrecoverably
| ...........
| if you hit OK it reboots... I used my pc this morning ...I do know my
| pc will go to sleep after 15 minutes or so if not used and sometimes
| the disk doesn't wake up ... you have to power cycle ...and it always
| fixes itself but not tonight and nothing has changed .... it's a dual
| boot system but the boot block is not on the actual windows disk ... I
| asked before if it's safe to install the boot block on the Windows
| disk without distroying data but never got an answer...
| So is it easy to fix the System error ???
| Thanks in advance


Download MULTI_AV.EXE from the URL --

To use this utility, perform the following...
Execute; Multi_AV.exe { Note: You must use the default folder C:\AV-CLS }
Choose; Unzip
Choose; Close

Execute; C:\AV-CLS\StartMenu.BAT
{ or Double-click on 'Start Menu' in C:\AV-CLS }

NOTE: You may have to disable your software FireWall or allow WGET.EXE to go through your
FireWall to allow it to download the needed AV vendor related files.

C:\AV-CLS\StartMenu.BAT -- { or Double-click on 'Start Menu' in C:\AV-CLS}
This will bring up the initial menu of choices and should be executed in Normal Mode.
This way all the components can be downloaded from each AV vendor's web site.
The choices are; Sophos, Trend, McAfee, Kaspersky, Exit this menu and Reboot the PC.

You can choose to go to each menu item and just download the needed files or you can
download the files and perform a scan in Normal Mode. Once you have downloaded the files
needed for each scanner you want to use, you should reboot the PC into Safe Mode [F8 key
during boot] and re-run the menu again and choose which scanner you want to run in Safe
Mode. It is suggested to run the scanners in both Safe Mode and Normal Mode.

When the menu is displayed hitting 'H' or 'h' will bring up a more comprehensive PDF help

* * * Please report back your results * * *


Thanks for the reply but how can I download this when the system
reboots no option to log in ....and if this is a virus I'm not sure
how it got in ... I'm protected or at least I thought...So I'm screwed
or can I fix this ??? will a reinstall destroy my data ??? god I miss
unix ...never this problem

thanks in advance


Thanks for the reply but if I can login to my PC how can I use this
program.. it doesn't say cd rom boot


Thanks for the reply but how can I download this when the system
reboots no option to log in ....and if this is a virus I'm not sure
how it got in ... I'm protected or at least I thought...So I'm screwed
or can I fix this ??? will a reinstall destroy my data ??? god I miss
unix ...never this problem

thanks in advance

Are you quite quite sure the error message is "Isass" and not "Lsass"?
If it really *is* "Lsass" then you probably don't have a virus but have
other issues. Here's some of what you said in your first post:

"An I/O operation initiated by the Registry failed unrecoverably
"if you hit OK it reboots... I used my pc this morning ...I do know my
pc will go to sleep after 15 minutes or so if not used and sometimes
the disk doesn't wake up ... you have to power cycle ...and it always
fixes itself but not tonight and nothing has changed .... it's a dual
boot system but the boot block is not on the actual windows disk ... I
asked before if it's safe to install the boot block on the Windows
disk without distroying data but never got an answer..."

From your description of the issue, you may be having hardware problems.
The first thing I'd do is get your data off (and make sure you back up
in the future). Since you are familiar with Unix, you should be
comfortable working with Knoppix. This will also serve to help
determine if the hardware is failing because if you have issues under
Linux then of course you know the Windows operating system isn't the
culprit. Here's some quick information about using Knoppix:

An easy way to retrieve Windows files is to boot with Knoppix, a Linux
distro on a live cd. You will need a computer with two cd drives, one
of which is a cd/dvd-rw OR a usb thumb drive with enough capacity to
hold your data. To get Knoppix, you need a computer with a fast
Internet connection and third-party burning software. Download the
Knoppix .iso from and create your bootable cd. Then
boot with it and it will be able to see the Windows files. If you are
using the usb thumb drive, right-click on its icon (on the Desktop) to
get its properties and uncheck the box that says "Read Only". Then
click on it to open it. Note that the default mouse action in the
window manager used by Knoppix (KDE) is a single click to open instead
of the traditional MS Windows' double-click. Otherwise, use the K3b
burning program to burn the files to cd/dvd-r's.

As for your question about the "boot block", I'm really not sure what
you mean by that. Perhaps we have a language difficulty there. If you
mean fixmbr or fixboot, I doubt that will be useful in your case

Here's what I'd do:

1. Get the data off with Knoppix. See how the system behaves.
2. Do hardware testing. Here are some general steps for that:
3. Obviously if the system isn't healthy, you have to replace the
hardware component(s) that fail.
4. If the system is healthy and passes all hardware tests, try a Repair
5. If the system is healthy and the Repair Install doesn't help, you
will need to do a Clean Install which naturally will delete everything
on the drive. Since you will have your data, this will be an annoyance
but not a disaster.

Oh, and we certainly do have problems in the *nix world. Hard drives and
motherboards fail here just like everywhere else. We also have our own
software issues, they are just different ones.



Hi... OK

My system is not a dual boot host .. I'm using another backup unix box
to read and send email
Are you quite quite sure the error message is "Isass" and not "Lsass"?
If it really *is* "Lsass" then you probably don't have a virus but have
other issues. Here's some of what you said in your first post:
"An I/O operation initiated by the Registry failed unrecoverably

The message is Isass.exe which from talking to others maybe a problem
not related to a virus but a program with XP. I'm checking Norton and
MCafree so see where/if the file exists and delete it ... at the same
time I'm changing out parts in my PC to see if it's hardware and so far
my box seems OK ...

As for the boot block question ...

Don't ask why I didn't set this PC up ... and I wouldn't set up a
PC this way but as it happens this on has 2 disks ... disk 0 is
the unix disk ( unix doesn't boot anymore because of a trash filesystem
.... hard crash from last years hurricane ) disk 0 is also the boot
block ( from boot manager) for Windows which is on disk 1 ... I
haven't tried to create a fix the boot for Windows because of the
warnings of loosing data ... probably a mute point now..


Hi... OK

My system is not a dual boot host .. I'm using another backup unix
to read and send email

The message is Isass.exe which from talking to others maybe a problem
not related to a virus but a program with XP. I'm checking Norton and
MCafree so see where/if the file exists and delete it ... at the same
time I'm changing out parts in my PC to see if it's hardware and so
far my box seems OK ...

As for the boot block question ...

Don't ask why I didn't set this PC up ... and I wouldn't set up a
PC this way but as it happens this on has 2 disks ... disk 0 is
the unix disk ( unix doesn't boot anymore because of a trash
... hard crash from last years hurricane ) disk 0 is also the boot
block ( from boot manager) for Windows which is on disk 1 ... I
haven't tried to create a fix the boot for Windows because of the
warnings of loosing data ... probably a mute point now..

Isass is most certainly a rather nasty virus. If you aren't able to fix
it yourself, either take the machine to a professional computer repair
shop or do a clean install of Windows.



You have probably fixed this problem by now, but I had the same thing. Spoke
to Microsoft for over an hour trying to fix the problem and came to the
conclusion the only thing to do is to reinstall windows. I'm fairly
knowledgeable with DOS but still couldn't run their hot fix because it was a
windows program. Can run a windows program unless you can get into windows.
the program wouldn't run in safe mode either. I ended up buying a new
computer, and will reformat the HD on the old one. If you don't know,
reinstalling windows removes all access to installed programs and anything in
documents and settings under your user name. it takes a lot of time to gain
that access back. I was told I was hyjacked. I booted my computer one day
and the website came up and said to download updates, so I did,
and that is how my computer was hyjacked. It wasn't really the microsoft
website, just looked like it. I clicked update and it transmitted my info to
someone, even though I have many many safeguards against this sort of thing.
Good luck

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