win explorer delete empty folder?

  • Thread starter Thread starter sali
  • Start date Start date


when deleting folders from win explorer, there is always an alert "are you
sure you want to delete folder xx and all its content", even if the folder
is *empty*
this always force me to double check what am i doing and am i accidentaly
deleting something wrongly, and efectively, it wastes my time

is it possible to have *not* to ask me to confirm delete if folder is empty?
or, maybe to have different alert, if folder is empty, not to alert about
folder's *content*?

any help about some system regular tweaking?
Hi sali,
Just turn off all warnings (by right-clicking on 'Recycle Bin' and
choosing 'Properties' then 'uncheck' the box marked 'Show delete
confirmation dialog') then everything will get shoved into the recycle bin
and if you find you've made a mistake, you can go into it and get it back.
There's not much point in having the 'two' levels of protection working at
the same time. Either have warnings and no recycle bin or no warnings and
USE the recycle bin.
thnx for the tipp, it helps, but not exactly
it just moves focus to the different level, if you don't have alert, than
you need to check recycle bin, and it is even harder, if some time pass and
later you even don't remember why something is missing!

i like to be warned, it definitely helps. i use computers for many years,
and warning and confirmations for sure are neccessary things

i am just confused why explorer is complaining about folder's content, when
folder is empty!

i saw some utility which is
quite smart when deleting empty folders, or even when folder is not empty,
but contains typical temp files

is there something similar i may have directly through explorer?

for example, the old fashioned cmd prompt command "rd" is much smarter,
there is no warning if folder is empty

Hi sali,
Windows doesn't care if a folder is empty or not, it just knows it
as an object. Some folders ARE vitally important even when they are empty.
Just because a folder is empty doesn't mean that it should be
deleted;.except if you know that YOU have created it and it is of no

Are you sure they are empty folders? How do you know they do not contain
important hidden system files?

What you are doing seems to be pointless with very dubious potential gains!


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
thnx, i understand, but i expect windows to be more clever and more user
since folder is "object", and object is characterized by plenty of
attributes, it shouldn't be dumb object, vital folder shouldn't be deleted
even if empty, but windows could make difference between vital [system]
folders and some user created one, wouldn't it?

thnx again [but i am not satisfied with this explorer behaviour, expect more

Tim Meddick said:
Hi sali,
Windows doesn't care if a folder is empty or not, it just knows
it as an object. Some folders ARE vitally important even when they are
Hey, it [PC] is what it is, and it's bigger than any of us!


Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London.

sali said:
thnx, i understand, but i expect windows to be more clever and more user
since folder is "object", and object is characterized by plenty of
attributes, it shouldn't be dumb object, vital folder shouldn't be deleted
even if empty, but windows could make difference between vital [system]
folders and some user created one, wouldn't it?

thnx again [but i am not satisfied with this explorer behaviour, expect
more smartness]

Tim Meddick said:
Hi sali,
Windows doesn't care if a folder is empty or not, it just knows
it as an object. Some folders ARE vitally important even when they are
if folder is *realy* empty, i don't want complaints about content, but!
if folder contains hidden or system or whatever important files not visible
to me, i expect windows to be aware of them and i *want* to be warned

well, just try that old cmd "rd" [it is from old dos days from year 1985],
it works smarter than new win/xp!
sali said:
if folder is *realy* empty, i don't want complaints about content, but!
if folder contains hidden or system or whatever important files not
visible to me, i expect windows to be aware of them and i *want* to be

well, just try that old cmd "rd" [it is from old dos days from year 1985],
it works smarter than new win/xp!

You will find that most DOS commands are available under the WinXP Command
Console and that most of them are considerably enhanced.

"Smarter" is, of course, in the eyes of the beholder. The "rd" command warns
you when the folder to be deleted is not empty. It even has the "/s" and
"/q" switches (which were not available under DOS!). Explorer, on the other
hand, will move the folder to the Recycle Bin, which the "rd" command cannot
do. Both methods have their pros and cons.

About your original question: If you're keen on implementing the
functionality of the "rd" command then you can do it like so:

1. Check out the following link to see how to add an extra item to a
right-click menu.
2. Write a VB Script or a batch file to invoke the equivalent of the "rd"
3. Link this script with your suitably named right-click menu item, e.g.
"Delete Folder".

From now on, when you right-click a folder and click "Delete Folder" then
one of two things will happen:
a) The folder gets deleted (if it is empty)
b) You get a dialog box telling you that folder is not empty, and to click
OK if you wish to delete it.
Pegasus. you forgot the link!


Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London.

Pegasus said:
sali said:
if folder is *realy* empty, i don't want complaints about content, but!
if folder contains hidden or system or whatever important files not
visible to me, i expect windows to be aware of them and i *want* to be

well, just try that old cmd "rd" [it is from old dos days from year
1985], it works smarter than new win/xp!

You will find that most DOS commands are available under the WinXP Command
Console and that most of them are considerably enhanced.

"Smarter" is, of course, in the eyes of the beholder. The "rd" command
warns you when the folder to be deleted is not empty. It even has the "/s"
and "/q" switches (which were not available under DOS!). Explorer, on the
other hand, will move the folder to the Recycle Bin, which the "rd"
command cannot do. Both methods have their pros and cons.

About your original question: If you're keen on implementing the
functionality of the "rd" command then you can do it like so:

1. Check out the following link to see how to add an extra item to a
right-click menu.
2. Write a VB Script or a batch file to invoke the equivalent of the "rd"
3. Link this script with your suitably named right-click menu item, e.g.
"Delete Folder".

From now on, when you right-click a folder and click "Delete Folder" then
one of two things will happen:
a) The folder gets deleted (if it is empty)
b) You get a dialog box telling you that folder is not empty, and to click
OK if you wish to delete it.
sali said:
if folder is *realy* empty, i don't want complaints about content, but!
if folder contains hidden or system or whatever important files not
visible to me, i expect windows to be aware of them and i *want* to be

well, just try that old cmd "rd" [it is from old dos days from year 1985],
it works smarter than new win/xp!

Gerry said:

Are you sure they are empty folders? How do you know they do not contain
important hidden system files?

.. . . and here is the link:

Given that you do not know the answer to my question it is obvious that you
should not be deleting "empty folders".

I see thst I am not only persons trying to tell to stop these pointless
deletions. Keep doing it and you will find your computer no longer works.


Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

if folder is *realy* empty, i don't want complaints about content,
but! if folder contains hidden or system or whatever important files not
visible to me, i expect windows to be aware of them and i *want* to
be warned
well, just try that old cmd "rd" [it is from old dos days from year
1985], it works smarter than new win/xp!

Gerry said:

Are you sure they are empty folders? How do you know they do not
contain important hidden system files?
That's what salis WAS saying! - that Windows SHOULD know the
difference (i.e. "be a bit smarter" quote, unquote) between empty folders
/ not-empty folders / important [system] folders but wee all know it does
not. Pegasus was advising the possible creation of a right-click-menu
activated batch-file that would invoke the 'RD' command which we have
decided is MORE smart than Windows at determining whether a folder is empty
or not!
Where were you?


Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London.

Gerry said:

Given that you do not know the answer to my question it is obvious that
you should not be deleting "empty folders".

I see thst I am not only persons trying to tell to stop these pointless
deletions. Keep doing it and you will find your computer no longer works.


Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

if folder is *realy* empty, i don't want complaints about content,
but! if folder contains hidden or system or whatever important files not
visible to me, i expect windows to be aware of them and i *want* to
be warned
well, just try that old cmd "rd" [it is from old dos days from year
1985], it works smarter than new win/xp!

Gerry said:

Are you sure they are empty folders? How do you know they do not
contain important hidden system files?

Sali's English is not easy to understand. I cannot see why he wants to mess
with empty folders.

I skimmed the reply from Pegasus but could not relate the KB Article to the
post. Perhaps I need to read them earlier in the day. I did wonder whether
the link was a mistake with something intended.


Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

Tim said:
That's what salis WAS saying! - that Windows SHOULD know the
difference (i.e. "be a bit smarter" quote, unquote) between empty
folders / not-empty folders / important [system] folders but wee
all know it does not. Pegasus was advising the possible creation of
a right-click-menu activated batch-file that would invoke the 'RD'
command which we have decided is MORE smart than Windows at
determining whether a folder is empty or not!
Where were you?

Gerry said:

Given that you do not know the answer to my question it is obvious
that you should not be deleting "empty folders".

I see thst I am not only persons trying to tell to stop these
pointless deletions. Keep doing it and you will find your computer
no longer works. --

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

if folder is *realy* empty, i don't want complaints about content,
but! if folder contains hidden or system or whatever important
files not visible to me, i expect windows to be aware of them and i
*want* to be warned
well, just try that old cmd "rd" [it is from old dos days from year
1985], it works smarter than new win/xp!

"Gerry" <[email protected]> je napisao u poruci interesnoj
grupi:%[email protected]...

Are you sure they are empty folders? How do you know they do not
contain important hidden system files?
The folder is *Not* really empty. Every folder, which is a directory,
contains a file called desktop.ini. Read more here

The Real Truth
*WARNING* Do NOT follow any advice given by the people listed below.
They do NOT have the expertise or knowledge to fix your issue. Do not waste
your time.
David H Lipman, Malke, PA Bear, Beauregard T. Shagnasty, Leythos.

sali said:
if folder is *realy* empty, i don't want complaints about content, but!
if folder contains hidden or system or whatever important files not
visible to me, i expect windows to be aware of them and i *want* to be

well, just try that old cmd "rd" [it is from old dos days from year 1985],
it works smarter than new win/xp!

Gerry said:

Are you sure they are empty folders? How do you know they do not contain
important hidden system files?
Pegasus advises that salis make a batchfile with the 'RD'
("dos") command and then use the knowledge base article's
description of how to make it [a batchfile] run in the right-click
files' context menu ( )
I admit that I too don't really agree with the statement that
Windows isn't too smart, and I don't think a statement like that is
going to go down very well in here!! Plus, at first, I was baffled by
what Pegasus' link brought up and had to re-read that last post
again. However, I found the article on printing the contents of a
folder through a batch-file that is accessed by a file's right-click
menu, fascinating indeed!


Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London.

Gerry said:

Sali's English is not easy to understand. I cannot see why he wants to
mess with empty folders.

I skimmed the reply from Pegasus but could not relate the KB Article to
the post. Perhaps I need to read them earlier in the day. I did wonder
whether the link was a mistake with something intended.


Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

Tim said:
That's what salis WAS saying! - that Windows SHOULD know the
difference (i.e. "be a bit smarter" quote, unquote) between empty
folders / not-empty folders / important [system] folders but wee
all know it does not. Pegasus was advising the possible creation of
a right-click-menu activated batch-file that would invoke the 'RD'
command which we have decided is MORE smart than Windows at
determining whether a folder is empty or not!
Where were you?

Gerry said:

Given that you do not know the answer to my question it is obvious
that you should not be deleting "empty folders".

I see thst I am not only persons trying to tell to stop these
pointless deletions. Keep doing it and you will find your computer
no longer works. --

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

sali wrote:
if folder is *realy* empty, i don't want complaints about content,
but! if folder contains hidden or system or whatever important
files not visible to me, i expect windows to be aware of them and i
*want* to be warned
well, just try that old cmd "rd" [it is from old dos days from year
1985], it works smarter than new win/xp!

"Gerry" <[email protected]> je napisao u poruci interesnoj
grupi:%[email protected]...

Are you sure they are empty folders? How do you know they do not
contain important hidden system files?
Hi Mr (Real?) Truth
This is one example of how folders that LOOK
empty are not always so. Plus, folders that ARE really empty are not always
safe to delete either. Some totally empty folders ARE required by the OS
and programs from time to time. It is crucial that these folders are not
deleted. On the other hand just because there is a desktop.ini file within
a folder doesn't mean it suddenly becomes sacred. The file desktop.ini is
responsible for Custom Folder Views; Custom Folder Icons; Folder Information
Tool Tips; Custom Folder Background Images. these are not crucial.
However, having said all that SOME folders ARE quite important and DO rely
on the file desktop.ini. These include The Internet History folder; Fonts
Folder; Temp Inet Files; and EVEN the Recycle Bin itself! But I don't think
it's very likely people are going to accidentally delete any of these.


Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London.

The Real Truth said:
The folder is *Not* really empty. Every folder, which is a directory,
contains a file called desktop.ini. Read more here

The Real Truth
*WARNING* Do NOT follow any advice given by the people listed below.
They do NOT have the expertise or knowledge to fix your issue. Do not
waste your time.
David H Lipman, Malke, PA Bear, Beauregard T. Shagnasty, Leythos.

sali said:
if folder is *realy* empty, i don't want complaints about content, but!
if folder contains hidden or system or whatever important files not
visible to me, i expect windows to be aware of them and i *want* to be

well, just try that old cmd "rd" [it is from old dos days from year
1985], it works smarter than new win/xp!

Gerry said:

Are you sure they are empty folders? How do you know they do not contain
important hidden system files?

Some people are obsessive about keeing things nice and tidy. That's why
Registry Cleaners have their appeal! The trouble becomes that you let more
than the water go down the bath waste when you pull the plug.


Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

Tim said:
Hi Mr (Real?) Truth
This is one example of how folders that
LOOK empty are not always so. Plus, folders that ARE really empty
are not always safe to delete either. Some totally empty folders ARE
required by the OS and programs from time to time. It is crucial
that these folders are not deleted. On the other hand just because
there is a desktop.ini file within a folder doesn't mean it suddenly
becomes sacred. The file desktop.ini is responsible for Custom
Folder Views; Custom Folder Icons; Folder Information Tool Tips;
Custom Folder Background Images. these are not crucial. However,
having said all that SOME folders ARE quite important and DO rely on
the file desktop.ini. These include The Internet History folder;
Fonts Folder; Temp Inet Files; and EVEN the Recycle Bin itself! But
I don't think it's very likely people are going to accidentally
delete any of these.

The Real Truth said:
The folder is *Not* really empty. Every folder, which is a directory,
contains a file called desktop.ini. Read more here

The Real Truth
*WARNING* Do NOT follow any advice given by the people listed below.
They do NOT have the expertise or knowledge to fix your issue. Do not
waste your time.
David H Lipman, Malke, PA Bear, Beauregard T. Shagnasty, Leythos.

sali said:
if folder is *realy* empty, i don't want complaints about content,
but! if folder contains hidden or system or whatever important
files not visible to me, i expect windows to be aware of them and i
*want* to be warned

well, just try that old cmd "rd" [it is from old dos days from year
1985], it works smarter than new win/xp!

"Gerry" <[email protected]> je napisao u poruci interesnoj
grupi:%[email protected]...

Are you sure they are empty folders? How do you know they do not
contain important hidden system files?