when deleting folders from win explorer, there is always an alert "are you
sure you want to delete folder xx and all its content", even if the folder
is *empty*
this always force me to double check what am i doing and am i accidentaly
deleting something wrongly, and efectively, it wastes my time
is it possible to have *not* to ask me to confirm delete if folder is empty?
or, maybe to have different alert, if folder is empty, not to alert about
folder's *content*?
any help about some system regular tweaking?
sure you want to delete folder xx and all its content", even if the folder
is *empty*
this always force me to double check what am i doing and am i accidentaly
deleting something wrongly, and efectively, it wastes my time
is it possible to have *not* to ask me to confirm delete if folder is empty?
or, maybe to have different alert, if folder is empty, not to alert about
folder's *content*?
any help about some system regular tweaking?