Will 40ns RIMMs work on an Asus P4T-E?



Anyone using the newer 40ns 256MB RIMMs (PC800) on a P4T-E mobo in
combination with older 45ns 256MB RIMMs (PC800)?

I'd like to upgrade to 1 GB but I want to be 100% certain that my older
Samsungs will be happy with the newer ones.

They should be but I'd be interested in hearing from someone that's
actually using this combo...it's getting difficult to find a vendor that
still stocks the older 45ns ones...



R. Pazderski


Contact (e-mail address removed) in our NG. He probably has needed parts or
correct answer as I believe he just upgraded to a new machine.


Rick P.
Anyone using the newer 40ns 256MB RIMMs (PC800) on a P4T-E mobo in
combination with older 45ns 256MB RIMMs (PC800)?

I'd like to upgrade to 1 GB but I want to be 100% certain that my older
Samsungs will be happy with the newer ones.

They should be but I'd be interested in hearing from someone that's
actually using this combo...it's getting difficult to find a vendor that
still stocks the older 45ns ones...





Thanks for the info. I'll probably end up buying new ones from a place
locally that will allow for a return in case this doesn't work...




Thanks for the info.

I just got back from the store with a couple of 256MB Samsung RIMMs. No
worky when I insert them both, together, into RIMMA slots 1-2 and then
my older Samsungs into RIMMB slots 1-2. My system will not POST, no
beep, and nothing on the monitor. I swapped them and still no go.

When I re-insert my older Samsungs along with the continuity boards,
beep, and successful bootup. Didn't try just the newer ones which is a
mute point if they won't co-exist with the older (the very thing that I
was afraid of).

The older ones are MR16R082GBN1-CK8, 800-45
The newer ones are MR16R1628DF0-CM8, 800-40

Not much I can do if I can't get past POST or even some kind of
display...any ideas?

The only difference that I can see is the newer ones have 256MB/8 on
them while the older ones have 256MB/16 which should represent the
number of RDRAM chips right?

My P4T-E is at BIOS rev 1007


The newer Samsungs work fine by themselves with continuity boards. They
just won't work with the older Samsungs...

At least the place that I bought them from will take them back...

Now just for peace of mind (that I'm installing these correctly), RIMM
channel A runs vertically (to the right of the CPU), RIMM channel B runs
horizontally (above the CPU). But it doesn't matter, I tried both
combinations and neither worked...and they have to installed, together,
in slots 1-2 of whichever channel.

Oh well, time to look for some sticks that are identical to my older


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