wildcard mappings/httpmodule/asp.net 2.0/iis6



Its my understanding that in asp.net 2.0 you can write an httpmodule that
will acts as a wildcard handler and pass requests on to the proper engine,
for instance, asp or perl for example, In the past I believe if it wasn't an
aspx file, things didnt work right. Can anyone provide input if this really
is the case now?

Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hi adamtuliper,

Welcome to ASPNET newsgroup.
As for the implementing wildcard mappings through ASP.NET httpmodule you
mentioned, I think there hasn't been any particular difference between the
httpmodule mechanism of ASP.NET 1.X and 2.0. Both of them still rely on the
IIS webserver to router the request to the managed ASP.NET
aspnet_isapi.dll. And this rountering is based on file extension (aspx...
ascx....). When we want to implementing our custom httpmodule to do URL
mapping, we need to redirect all the expected url(extensions) to our
ASPNET's filter dll first. So I still think using raw ISAPI filter is the
best approach to do raw url mapping which contains wildcard or other non
extension url(folder path ...). How do you think ?


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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Thanks. Actually I read it on one of the MS lists in the last few days I seem
to recall. It was mentioned that in asp.net 2.0 it will pass these requests
off whereas older versions did not. As for redirecting all extensions, isn't
that what a wildcard script mapping was designed for in iis6, so all requests
will go through your filter? You mention you need to redirect all mappings,
but if I understand a wildcard script mapping, I actually wouldn't need to
know every extensions, because the "*" handles that.

Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Thanks for the followup adamtuliper,

Yes, as you said we can use the "*" wildcard to redirect all the comming
request to ASP.NET runtime, however this is not a good idea since ASP.NET's
runtime , pipeline and handlers are designed for processing asp.net dynamic
page requests. As for those static pages or resource(image, script files)
requests, IIS has the sophisticated processing capability which'll have
much better performance than ASP.NET. Also, as far as what I saw in the
beta2 of the ASP.NET Whidbey, the IIS by default still only redirect those
ASP.NET page/components(ascx, asmx...)'s request to ASP.NET isapi.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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