Wierd characters showing in memo field


Don Moore

I am getting wierd characters(Japenese) in a memo field on my report. I don't
see any problems with the properies and the records have no data in the
field. Any idea why it is happen?

Don Moore

Answered my own question. I turned on totals in the query and the memo field
was set to group by. I changed it to First and that fixed the problem.

Allen Browne

Don Moore said:
Answered my own question. I turned on totals in the query and the memo
field was set to group by. I changed it to First and that fixed the

Yes, that will do it, Don.

Thanks for posting the solution for others who may be searching here.

More info for anyone searching for similar problems:
1. Grouping by Memo field yields garbage:

2. Truncation of Memo fields:

3. Concatenated fields yield garbage in recordset:

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