Wide of page in Word



I have tranform a Table list to Word and got the rigth font and char size but
I allso want to set number of char fore a line so the document get rigth look

public static void WordInsertText(ref word.Document doc, string text)
object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

word.Range r = doc.Range(ref missing, ref missing);
r.Text = text;
r.Font.Name = "Courier New";
r.Font.Size = 10.0F;

I work in VS2005 and Word 2003

The problem is that there is a _______ string form one end of the page to
the other form that override ToString the application use.

Best Regard
Kim s.


Kim Answer
I have used \u2500 as "_" I change the \2500 ASCII code to "_" and that give
me the solutionsen.

Kim S.

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