Why won't someone answer my question.



When I close down Oulook I get a error message. After
clicking the "About" button for more information it
idicated an invalid page fault (see below for exact
wording). This is way too techincal for me
to decipher. Does anyone know what this means?

OUTLOOK caused an invalid page fault in
module MFC42.DLL at 0157:5f44cb4e.
EAX=0041f938 CS=0157 EIP=5f44cb4e EFLGS=00010202
EBX=00000000 SS=015f ESP=03d5fbb4 EBP=03d5fbd8
ECX=00000000 DS=015f ESI=012418c8 FS=5b4f
EDX=00000011 ES=015f EDI=00000000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
8b 08 50 ff 51 08 89 5e 30 8b 46 2c 3b c3 74 09
Stack dump:
01241494 012414ec 5f449314 013512a4 00000000 01351290
012418c8 012418c8 00000000 03d5fbf8 5f448333 0041343c
00000000 00413430 01241494 01241494



Well, you are not providing much info.
Did it use to work, when did it start?
Your best bet is to reinstall/refresh the OS using your
OS CD. If you have that, backup our data and use the
quickrestore CD that might have come with your computer.

Ivan Williams

Further more people are not going to answer the question
if they don't have an answer. This is a newsgroup not a
must answer line...

PS-I have the same problem where my questions don't get
answered, but it's not the end of the world...


i suggest that using the restore cd to put the system back to original
condition is a last resort. all installed programs, settings, etc will be
lost. a lot of work to bring it back to current status., perhaps

is there some other program that was installed soon before the problem
started happening? if so, it and outlook may be competing for the same bit
of memory space.

otherwise, lacking other possible solutions, back up the .pst file, and
reinstall outlook, installing over old first, and if that doesn't do it,
uninstalling outlook and reinstalling..

Alan Garny

Ivan Williams said:
Further more people are not going to answer the question
if they don't have an answer. This is a newsgroup not a
must answer line...

PS-I have the same problem where my questions don't get
answered, but it's not the end of the world...

Well, in the case of Char, the problem is that s/he doesn't give any
information about the version of Outlook s/he uses, neither about the
operating system. From there, it's completely impossible to help. Having
said that, even if we knew about the above, that wouldn't really help in
this case. There are lots of different factors that could explain the
problem s/he is experiencing... One of them being that his/her Outlook
installation is corrupted.



Ivan said:
Further more people are not going to answer the question
if they don't have an answer. This is a newsgroup not a
must answer line...

PS-I have the same problem where my questions don't get
answered, but it's not the end of the world...

Same here. The newsgroup is not the magnificient resource that it used
to be. I guess the past contributors have gone on to productive things
with their time!


Ivan said:
Further more people are not going to answer the question
if they don't have an answer. This is a newsgroup not a
must answer line...

But why answer when the poster's premise that they asked the question
before rings untrue? I did a Google Groups search in
microsoft.public.outlook on author="Char" and the prior post by her
before this one is way back on Sep 9 (presuming that's the same Char).
Don't where Char asked before but it doesn't look to be here. Google
Groups often doesn't update their listing for up to 4 hours so it's
possible she posted within that time, but then my Outlook Express should
show it on news.microsoft.com but it doesn't. So since it is a false
premise to garner exaggerated sympathy beyond the request for peer
support, she gets none from me.

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