Why won't my tutorial work in Word



Everytime I get to a certain part in the tutorial a message comes up and
says "cannot find specifiied file - make sure path and filename are correct".

Larry Linson

Everytime I get to a certain part in the
tutorial a message comes up and
says "cannot find specifiied file - make
sure path and filename are correct".

If this question is about Microsoft Word, you will almost certainly stand a
better chance of getting an answer in a newsgroup about Word. There are a
number of microsoft.public... newsgroups that deal with Word; this one is
for Q&A about Microsoft Access database software.

When you locate the appropriate newsgroup, you need to be more specific in
your question: for example, "my tutorial" and "the tutorial" don't really
identify the tutorial you are trying to use, and "a certain part" does not
identify where the problem occurs.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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