Why use C#?



There are other GUI's than SWING for JAVA, but really -- is the gui
appearance worth the effort?

Well, as I wouldn't like to keep using a Java application because I think
it's GUI is ugly I believe it is the same for others. Although Java's GUI
can be improved by theming or setting it up to use system's look and feel
it isn't perfect. I mean, it is always possible to know it is a Java
application just by looking to it. With QT, for example, using sustem's
look is much more smooth.
And you can't use the signed numbers?

Well, some protocols (including the most used protocol for enconding files
to Usenet) use unsigned numbers. With Java there is the need to mask a long
number to be able to achieve the usage of an unsigned number, which is a
tremendous work. So, implementing these sort of protocols isn't woth doing
in Java.
Picking up C++ as a programming-language is *not* easy, especially if
you wan't to do threading and GUIs. It's gonna take you years to learn
and decades to debug -- only go there if it's worth the trouble.

I know it won't be easy, but I believe it is worth to. Anyway, C/C++ is a
language that will enable me to do any programming, from Windows threaded
GUI to device drivers. And learning C/C++ will be one time work while using
unsigned numbers in Java will be a loto of work for every program if I
don't find a way to develop a generic class for this purpose.
If you like a plethora of libs, try some of the scripting-languages out
there, python is a good choice and the default install comes with an
NNTP library. Ruby is a good option too.

Sure I want a plethora of libs. It would help me a lot. But I also want
something that will allow me to make money. Here where I live there is no
job for Python and Ruby programmers. These are just for hobbtysts. A top 10
ranking for programming jobs would be something like this:

1. Java
2. Java
3. Java
4. Java
5. Java
6. .Net (not sure which language)
7. .Net
8. PHP
9. PHP
10. C/C++

I know, I know! You will say there is more jobs for Java, but .Net ones pay
more and there are fewer developers for it. I just don't know which
language is being used here for .Net. Also C++ is a rare job, but people
that cand do well programmint in it are also rare. And, by the way, being
C/C++ the most used language I do believe there is really a big amount of
libs for it.

Now, to finish, do the managed C++ offer the same facilities that C#
offers? Like collections, single threading model, etc?


Helge Jensen said:
The same as cows over horses :)

Cows taste great with catsup, lettuce, tomato, cheese, mayo, mustard, and a
bun while horses are good for riding....as for both, depends on the goal or


Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

Scirious said:
Well, as I wouldn't like to keep using a Java application because I think
it's GUI is ugly I believe it is the same for others. Although Java's GUI
can be improved by theming or setting it up to use system's look and feel
it isn't perfect. I mean, it is always possible to know it is a Java
application just by looking to it. With QT, for example, using sustem's
look is much more smooth.

Have you used Eclipse? If so, did you know "just by looking to it" that
it was written in Java? I certainly wouldn't.


Have you used Eclipse? If so, did you know "just by looking to it"
that it was written in Java? I certainly wouldn't.

Ok, if you look to Eclipse without for the first time withou knowing it is
written in Java you wouldn't know so, but you would certainly notice it is
a system default.

Helge Jensen

Scirious said:
tremendous work. So, implementing these sort of protocols isn't woth doing
in Java.

So, you would rather change language than use signed integers or use
another GUI framework? I hope there is some other motivation for diving
into a new language... issues like these crop up in every language.
Sure I want a plethora of libs. It would help me a lot. But I also want
something that will allow me to make money. Here where I live there is no
job for Python and Ruby programmers. These are just for hobbtysts. A top 10

Companies don't jump ship to new shiny languages because they have a lot
of baggage and experience in the old ones, you don't have that problem.

Learning C# will not expand your abilities much, it's roughly the same
as JAVA. Learning C++ or python will teach you new things. In the case
of c++ it will cost blood and sweat (and feet :), but you'll certainly
learn something.
ranking for programming jobs would be something like this:

Aaaah, now *that*'s a real motive!

At my job most code is written in C#. When I interview programmers I'm
not *that* concerned about which languages they have experience in --
mostly anybody (within reason) can learn C# and .NET pretty fast.

I'm more concerned about whether they actually understand what they are
doing, whatever language they're in. Being a "good" programmer/designer
has very little to do with knowing a programming-language.
I know, I know! You will say there is more jobs for Java, but .Net ones pay
more and there are fewer developers for it. I just don't know which
language is being used here for .Net. Also C++ is a rare job, but people
that cand do well programmint in it are also rare. And, by the way, being
C/C++ the most used language I do believe there is really a big amount of
libs for it.

Languages come and go in fashion, even the longer-lasting languages.
C++, JAVA and C# are not the same languages as they were 5-10 years ago.
My best advice would be to get an education that will allow you to pick
up new languages quickly, instead of focusing on each language at a time.
Now, to finish, do the managed C++ offer the same facilities that C#
offers? Like collections, single threading model, etc?

I'm not sure how valuable that's going to be to your choice, but since
you ask:

I don't really know about STA, I've never had to care about that --
which makes me pretty happy.

There are lots of collections available in C++, all of standard-library,
and you can use the .NET ones too, but it's hard to "glue" between the
two worlds.

Mark Wilden

Being a "good" programmer/designer has very little to do with knowing a

The only thing I'd say is that "good" programmers seem to know a number of
programming languages. To them, learning new languages is fun in and of


Ole Nielsby

Mythran said:
Cows taste great with catsup, lettuce, tomato, cheese, mayo,
mustard, and a bun while horses are good for riding....

Not to mention their great taste. You don't need mayo or
mustard for a good pony. Really!

Btw if you want something different, try Lisp or F#.

Jeffrey Spoon

Harold Howe said:
Personally, I think C++ is a better language overall. However, on
windows, your choice of C+++ GUI frameworks is limited. You would be
using one of these most likely:

- Managed C++ on .NET
- Borland C++Builder and the VCL
- wxWidgets
- QT
- Direct API access
- GTK+
- ????

Since you already know java, I don't think managed C++ on .NET makes
any sense for you if the goal is to feed your family. You would be more
productive with C#. Among the rest, Borland C++Builder is probably the
most productive and enjoyable framework to use. But there are
consequences to using a tool from a small vendor whose management has
shown a lack of prudence over the years. I would avoid MFC like a bad

This is interesting to me because I only really know Java, a tiny bit of
C and a little bit of C#. I was looking to do some more C++ because I
wanted to use a lower level language, for the challenge, and was going
to use MFC, since I have Visual Studio, but I also have Borland C++,
though I've yet to use it. So might look at Borland rather than MFC if
you think it'd be less problematic. I take it that VCL is the Visual
Components Library, not really familiar with it.


Can you milk a horse?

Mythran said:
Cows taste great with catsup, lettuce, tomato, cheese, mayo, mustard, and
a bun while horses are good for riding....as for both, depends on the goal
or purpose...



John said:
I am NOT going to click on that link :)


You can safely do so. It doesn't show any actual horse milking, if
that's what you are afraid of. :)

Anyway, I don't really see why that would be any worse than, say,
milking a goat?

You eat eggs, don't you? Isn't that really gross when you think of it? ;)

(Sorry if this is getting badly off topic...)


I feel a little bit ill now.

I suppose I shouldn't really, being a cow's milk drinker.

What's next? Dog's milk? Full of vitamins, full of minerals, full of
marrowbone jelly....

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