Why the Writer Writeth Not



/ Newsgroups > alt.philosophy, alt.comp.hardware / 15Dec03 /
Why the Writer Writeth Not
[or: The World is a Shark]
"Guard your Heart more than any Treasure;
for the Heart is the Source of all Life!"
-- Proverbs 4:23 / prophet version
Yes and alas, this year of our Lord 2000 and three has been a
very bad time for the despicable wurm. So you may have noticed
that the offensive one has not been sending forth very much in
the way of readable scribblings this year. 'And why not?', you
asketh. Well, there IS a reason for this. The thing about it is
that the World was and is conspiring to do all it can to piss me
off, bigtime. And this year the World has succeeded amazingly in
this enterprise by pulling out all the stops, and by going way
over the top.
As a result I have been in a most foul temper all year long.
Let me offer to the Reader just one example (out of countless
thousands) by way of illustration: A couple of months ago it so
happened that I was called upon to print out a document on my
trusty Lexmark-Z11. So fine, but half-way through it the words
abruptly vanished! No big deal, just out of ink. Not an unusual
occurrence by any means; and certainly nothing to get upset
about. 'Don't sweat the small stuff', eye always say.
So I removed the ink cartridge, refilled it from my supply
of much-watered-down black ink, and re-installed it in my Z11
printer. Or rather, I *tried* to re-install it. Somehow in the
process I managed to break off a tiny piece of plastic from the
cartridge-holder such that the ink-cartridge simply would NOT
snap back into place like it's supposed to.
I tried everything; even taping it to the holder. No dice. So
because of this stupid little piece of plastic, I had to garbage
my Z11, and go out and buy a new printer. And that wasn't the
worst of it, oh no. Just a few days later I went back to Future-
Swine-Shop for some CD-cases, and there's my brand-new
printer on sale for half the price I paid for it! Grrrrrrr ... :(
But this sort of thing is not at all uncommon for the most
despised one. This is the way things have been going for me all
year long. And as a result of all this endless nonsense I have
been, more or less constantly eye must say, in a most sour and
unseemly disposition. Anger, resentment, and bitterness? Up to
my eyeballs in it. Soaked to the sub-atomic level in it, i fear.
Vibrating in harmony with all the world's infinite supply of
100-proof crappola. O yeah!
It's like being trapped in a malevolent whirlpool of toxic
negativity. The moment I start clawing my way out of this cess-
pool, another shark swims up, bites me on the ankle, and pulls
me down deeper still. Have you ever been trapped in a violent
emotional cesspool? Eye yam. All year long yet. Oh yes!
And because of all these seemingly endless hardware and non-
hardware related "events and occurrences" (too numerous and
too horrible to mention) I have been unable to log in any serious
flight-time. And being unable to fly does nothing at all to
improve the disposition of this particular virtual-pilot (ie.
I was "Born2FLY!"; as my screen-saver proclaimeth).
Consequently, I'm in no condition to write any encouraging and
inspiring epistles for my many loyal and devoted prophet-phans.
The few things I have written lately are either entirely off-
topic, utterly irrelevant, or even downright nasty (eg. see 'Why
War is Hell' or 'Repercussions'). Thus it's better not to write
at all when I'm thoroughly stuck in such a horrid state of mind.
But if I didn't write anything at all, then I would no longer
be a writer. After all, a writer writes. And a real writer MUST
write; whether he likes it or not. Yes, dear reader, your most
beloved one is truly cursed from both sides! :(
And no, I have no illusions that next year will be somehow
(magically) better. If anything, things will be worse than ever.
Why so, you ask? Because that's obviously the way the World
wants it. And what the World wants, the World gets. Don't kid
yourself! This shark-infested World is the universe's greatest
expert at kicking people when they're down and out.
And sooner or later, one way or the other, the World always
wins. Always! Make no mistake about it. It just keeps on coming
until finally you break and jump off a bridge. Or shatter into
a thousand pieces. Or dissolve into a fetid greasy spot. Or ...
But not this guy! No fraggin way, Ho-zay.
- the exceedingly foul-minded one - cybrwurm ;>
P.S. "Dear someone you've never heard of, how is so-and-so.
Blah, blah. Yours truly, some bozo." -- First Epistle of Homer


"The first shall be last and the last shall be first."

Never buy bleeding edge hardware. It's coolness melts quickly.
Instead buy 2nd order obsolete stuff. It was once the best,
and not very long ago. It's cheap because it's no longer the
best. Let the bright-eyes test the new stuff at inflated prices.
Buy the old stuff and clean up.

Lexmark was an IBM division that wasn't making money
under IBM management. They spun it off, and look what
happened. Lexmark gives their printers away for the price
of the ink cartridges. They want to bleed you for the next
cartridge and the next. Re-inking them is chancey. Try
an HP printer with flat-top cartridges. Much easier.

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