Why should I stay with Vista?



He is a Netizen who makes every decision in life based on blog votes.
He has another blog about whether "toilet paper" is really necessary or just
a waste of money.
He will not answer for awhile, as he is busy on a new blog...."Should I
answer Frank?....what do you think?"

Alex said:
Hi Jethro,

Thanks for your response. I like the reference to the Amiga! That was the
second computer I ever owned (before that I had a dedicated word
processor). Ah what a dream machine that was back then!

I really do see myself using Vista in the future. I am just trying to make
a decision whether I take a break from it for a while and wait for the
reasoning to weigh in more heavily on Vista's side.

I have a question...you keep mentioning the term
"productivity"...exactly what do you do productivity wise, on your
Would you furnish some details?


along with the type of skivvies you wear.
speaking of skivvies, do you wear them straight out of the bag or wash them
I wear them straight out of the bag, just me.



Save the bag...
After each pair is used, put them back in the bag.
Tape the bag up.
Return the bag to Wal-Mart...say "I meant to buy socks ! "
Get money back.
Taped bag will be back on shelf next day.
Always Wal_Mart.....always.


It's not your fault. This group is full of Vista enthusiasts, and Vista
isn't getting much respect these days. Hence these people are defensive
and angry.

Good luck. I have seen this question asked by many people in many ways,
and I have yet to see a convincing answer.


After excitedly buying a new desktop machine with Vista, I took it
back to the shop and paid over $200 to have it ripped out and to have
XP Pro installed instead. It was nearly impossible to sync with my
PDA, wouldn't convert the word and excel files to pocket word and
pocket excel, took half a dozen mouse clicks to access any files but
the most plain-jane data files for aps (due to all the security you
had to ask it to allow you past) and wouldn't run MANY perfectly good
programs that I already owned. AND, I couldn't find a single thing it
did better.


Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Why not return the computer and purchase another with Windows XP?
Or did you want Windows Vista for the future?

Many local shops will build a computer with the operating system of
choice as well as some OEMs.

It is inconceivable I would purchase something I did not want and then
immediately pay again to discard what I just bought.


I can only relate my experience. I have two machines running Vista. One
machine is a 3500+ with 1 GB RAM running Home Premium. Runs OK, but is a
little sluggish. The other (which is my production machine) is a 4400 x2
with 2 GB RAM running Ultimate. This one runs great, and although there are
bugs, there are none that I can't live with or that are so bothersome as to
render the machine too irritating to use.

I build my own machines and always use high end parts, so maybe that is the
difference, but on the 4400 x2, there is no way I'd go back to XP. Don't get
me wrong, I like XP and run it on the other machines here. But I have to say
that Vista kicks on my 4400.

For what it's worth...

Mike Glenn

stop the lies.. you love vista so much you have tried to load it even on
your cell phone, pocket calculator and wrist watch.

on computers vista is as slow as the above devices...

oh I forgot to mention that you are a blundering fool


One other comment. When one buys a new machine, it often is bloated with
'sludgeware'. Oftentimes, after removing the junk, the machine will be much
more responsive.

Mike Glenn

vista offeres nothing but a multitude of problems...
it has a stupid design

and is a total failure.

Alex Leonard said:
Hi Richard,

You don't have to convince me of anything. If you were interested though,
I'd love to hear what you find useful and helpful regarding productivity
day-to-day use of Vista.

Perhaps this will demonstrate to me some of the functionality that I
discovered yet. As a Windows user for the past 10 years (ever since I
tinkering with computers) I had assumed that a Windows discussion group
be a good place to ask for people's reasons on liking their new OS.


Richard G. Harper said:
With all due respect, why should we? If you think you're better off with
Windows XP, then go back to Windows XP. If you can't convince yourself
it's not really up to us to try, is it?

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
* NEW! Catch my blog ... http://msmvps.com/blogs/rgharper/
* PLEASE post all messages and replies in the newsgroups
* The Website - http://rgharper.mvps.org/
* HELP us help YOU ... http://www.dts-l.org/goodpost.htm

Mike Glenn

Oh we DO care you blundering moron!

The more people using Vista the more MS can boast that vista is ok since
people are using that faulty horrid OS!!!


Hi all,

I don't want to sound like I'm trying to get a rise out of anyone here, but
I've been using Vista (pre-installed on my new laptop) for about 2 months now
and I am finding it difficult to justify using Vista instead of going back to
Windows XP. I've been very happy with XP for a long time - it's stable, quick
and gets the job done very well in my mind.

I have greatly expanded my point on my blog (link at the end), but the long
and the short of it is the bad outweighs the good and I can think of more
reasons to go back to XP than stick with Vista. Ultimately it's an overall
sluggishness that is probably the main reason. I have a desktop with XP on
it, with much lower specifications than my laptop and it feels snappier and
more responsive.

So, is there anything people can say to convince me to stay?



I'd be interested to know why you tried it in the first place. What were
you expecting?


Mike said:
stop the lies.. you love vista so much you have tried to load it even on
your cell phone, pocket calculator and wrist watch.

on computers vista is as slow as the above devices...

oh I forgot to mention that you are a blundering fool
hehehe...you're the stupid as*hole who can't figure out how to run


Mike said:
vista offeres nothing but a multitude of problems...
it has a stupid design

and is a total failure.

hahaha...so you're confused by Vista? Can't figure out where anything
is? Don't know what to do so you throw a childish tantrum?
Face it...you're just stupid!


Mike said:
Oh we DO care you blundering moron!

The more people using Vista the more MS can boast that vista is ok since
people are using that faulty horrid OS!!!

Not you huh? Vista go the best of you (not much to get, right?) didn't it?
Idiot loser.

Spanky deMonkey

Another genius just like Kevin. Mikey, did you work in the Post Office with
Kevin, Just FYI.

Vista taxing your sorry excuse for a brain, yea, thats right, look between
your legs and see that tiny NAT like appendage hanging there like a thread?

Go back to DOS 6.1 you douche bag.


KickinChicken said:
He is a Netizen who makes every decision in life based on blog votes.
He has another blog about whether "toilet paper" is really necessary or
just a waste of money.
He will not answer for awhile, as he is busy on a new blog...."Should I
answer Frank?....what do you think?"

I have a question...you keep mentioning the term
"productivity"...exactly what do you do productivity wise, on your
Would you furnish some details?
Oh geeze, that bad huh?

Spanky deMonkey

Mikey offers nothing but spewing garbage. He has a stupid tiny NAT brain.

Mikey is a total failure.

Just FYI

Mike Glenn said:
vista offeres nothing but a multitude of problems...
it has a stupid design

and is a total failure.

Alex Leonard said:
Hi Richard,

You don't have to convince me of anything. If you were interested though,
I'd love to hear what you find useful and helpful regarding productivity
day-to-day use of Vista.

Perhaps this will demonstrate to me some of the functionality that I
discovered yet. As a Windows user for the past 10 years (ever since I
tinkering with computers) I had assumed that a Windows discussion group
be a good place to ask for people's reasons on liking their new OS.


Richard G. Harper said:
With all due respect, why should we? If you think you're better off
Windows XP, then go back to Windows XP. If you can't convince yourself
it's not really up to us to try, is it?

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
* NEW! Catch my blog ... http://msmvps.com/blogs/rgharper/
* PLEASE post all messages and replies in the newsgroups
* The Website - http://rgharper.mvps.org/
* HELP us help YOU ... http://www.dts-l.org/goodpost.htm

Spanky deMonkey

The more people that read posts like Mikey post can boast that they came
across a mental retard. People are reading the faulty trash that Mikey
posts. Just FYI.

Lang Murphy

Alex Leonard said:
Hi all,

I don't want to sound like I'm trying to get a rise out of anyone here,
I've been using Vista (pre-installed on my new laptop) for about 2 months
and I am finding it difficult to justify using Vista instead of going back
Windows XP. I've been very happy with XP for a long time - it's stable,
and gets the job done very well in my mind.

I have greatly expanded my point on my blog (link at the end), but the
and the short of it is the bad outweighs the good and I can think of more
reasons to go back to XP than stick with Vista. Ultimately it's an overall
sluggishness that is probably the main reason. I have a desktop with XP on
it, with much lower specifications than my laptop and it feels snappier
more responsive.

So, is there anything people can say to convince me to stay?



I took a gander at your blog. I've looked through this thread. And I can
find no reference to which AV you're using, if any. Granted, I might have
missed that, but I'd like to know which AV product you're using. This is
related to your Vista system's "sluggishness." I've run Vista on systems
with anywhere from 512MB's RAM up to 2GB's RAM. The only system on which I
could detect "sluggishness" was the system running with 512MB's RAM. That
was a painfully apparent sluggish system. My son's running Vista on a three
year old system with 1GB RAM and it runs quite acceptably. Not sluggish at

As quite a few others have responded... convincing you to stay with Vista is
like tilting at windmills. Only you know whether Vista suits your needs or
if XP is the better choice for you. Heck, let's not leave Ubuntu out of the

There is one thing that is sluggish in Vista... file copying. I've seen
other posts in this ng that point to a couple of MS patches that will,
supposedly, address that problem. I have not had the opportunity to install
those patches and evaluate whether they do, in fact, address the problem.
Other than that... no sluggishness here.

Ulimately, as we all know, it's apps that determine whether a PC is usable
or not. If your apps run better in XP than in Vista, then, well, there's
your answer. I'll admit that I haven't moved my main personal PC to Vista
yet because there are no Vista drivers for my TV card or my Plextor ConvertX
box. Not likely that there will ever be Vista drivers for either piece of
hw. So... until I can afford to replace them with Vista compatible hw, that
box will continue to run XP MCE. That said, I'm running Vista on two laptops
here that I use on a daily basis and the OS has been rock solid on both. Not
a single blue screen on either, ever. Not bad for a new OS, prior to SP1.
Performance is as good, if not better, than XP on the same laptops.

UAC doesn't bug me at all. Does UAC offer perfect security? Of course not,
but it's better than XP's native security. If you don't like UAC's dlg
boxes, then stay away from Ubuntu or other Linux flavors, because not only
does one have to deal with the same type of security dlg boxes, but one must
also type in the system acct's pw to move forward when those security dlg
boxes present themselves. (And that's not a knock on that type of
security... just an observation.) It seems kind of odd, to me anyway, that
one would bemoan the UAC dlg boxes and then bemoan disabling UAC to get rid
of said dlg boxes.

What I like about Vista is: better memory management, better security,
better system tools. Are those features perfect? No. There is no such thing
as a perfect OS. Not now, not in the past, not in the future. So,
ultimately, the choice is yours. Good luck, whichever path you choose.


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