Why is my Top Value query not working right?



I am trying to get the 10 ten values. When I sort Descending I get all
the values, when I dont sort I get 10 values which are not the 10 ten.

This query gives me 10 values in alphabetical order based on the Expr1:
SELECT TOP 10 qryTop10.Expr1, qryTop10.CountOfConcernNumber FROM
qryTop10 GROUP BY qryTop10.Expr1, qryTop10.CountOfConcernNumber;

This query gives me all the values in order from the highest count to
SELECT TOP 10 qryTop10.Expr1, qryTop10.CountOfConcernNumber FROM
qryTop10 GROUP BY qryTop10.Expr1, qryTop10.CountOfConcernNumber ORDER
BY qryTop10.CountOfConcernNumber DESC;

Why is the second query not limiting the list to 10?


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