why is my recipient list empty when I use Word to merge with a qu.



when I use mail merge in Word and choose the recipients from a query from my
database - the resulting list is empty. Can anybody please tell me why?


My best guess would be nothing matches the criteria set in the query. Are
there any recipients returned when you run the query direct in Access?


yes. the query itself has plenty of recipients when run directly in Access. I
seem to have narrowed it down to a "Like" criteria I'm using in the query.
When I take that out the list is full but then that defeats the purpose of
the query. I'm trying to separate those people born this month only. Do you
have any alternate suggestions?

John Vinson

yes. the query itself has plenty of recipients when run directly in Access. I
seem to have narrowed it down to a "Like" criteria I'm using in the query.
When I take that out the list is full but then that defeats the purpose of
the query. I'm trying to separate those people born this month only. Do you
have any alternate suggestions?

The LIKE operator works on *strings* - and dates are not strings.

I haven't seen the SQL of your query, but if you want to filter a
table to people born in a particular month, include a calculated field

BirthMonth: Month([DateOfBirth])

and a criterion of either

[Enter month number:]

to prompt the user for a number (1 = January, 12 = December), or to
get the next month's birthdays,

Month(DateAdd("m", 1, Date())

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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