Why doesn't this work?




I have the following code in a module that creates a CommandBar. The
function CreateBar gets called on Workbook_Open. I also have another
function to remove the commandbar when on Workbook_Close.

Private cbrCommandBar As CommandBar
Private cbcAButton As CommandBarButton

Sub CreateBar()
On Error Resume Next

Set cbrCommandBar = _

cbrCommandBar.Name = "Test123"

' Add command button control to the control's
' collection of CommandBar objects.
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcAButton = _
With cbcAButton
.style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = "A caption"
.FaceId = 576
.OnAction = "OnAction"
.Enabled = False
.Tag = "AButtonClick"
End With
End With
cbrCommandBar.Position = msoBarTop
cbrCommandBar.Enabled = True
cbrCommandBar.Visible = True
End Sub

but when I open with Internet Explorer it complains about
Application.CommandBars.Add? Suffice to say the bar never gets
created. Is this a security thing? All I want to do is be able to add
a command bar. Is this possible under IE?

Any ideas appreciated as I am stuck.


Thank you for taking the time to answer Dave.

What is strange is that custom menus seem to work ok, but toolbars do
not! It is driving me nuts.

I will take a look at the link, and thanks once again.

Dave Peterson

I would imagine that code that points at the application, like:
would point at MSIE when you're in MSIE.

And that can't be a good thing.

Dave Peterson

I open it in excel--and never open excel files in MSIE.

Not much of an answer, but I don't have anything better.


I think I will follow your original comment on "How to Configure
Internet Explorer to Open Office
Documents in the Appropriate Office Program Instead of in Internet
Explorer "

Cheers Dave

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