Why doesn't IE show full html source?


John Dalberg

Why does IE not show the full html source when I try to view the source?? I
mean why does it hide a few features.

Previously I had an issue where the data grid html representation was
hidden in the source view. After spending a LOT of time troubleshooting
this, it was due to the smart navigation setting.

Now I can't see the html for the validators error messages. It's getting
pretty irritating to work around IE's quirks and its non standard way of
conforming to web standards.

Now I have an IE add-on to show full source.

What are the best ways to make VS produce more browser compatible html?

John M Deal

Which validator are you having a problem viewing the error message for?
I ask because I just tried adding a required field validator to a page
that had only a text box and a submit button on it and it showed up in
the IE source code in a span element whose id is the name of the
validator and an attribute called errormessage contains the error
message I set. Let us know the specific validator that you are having
an issue with and we can try out some possibilities from there.

Have A Better One!

John M Deal, MCP
Necessity Software

John Dalberg

Which validator are you having a problem viewing the error message for?
I ask because I just tried adding a required field validator to a page
that had only a text box and a submit button on it and it showed up in
the IE source code in a span element whose id is the name of the
validator and an attribute called errormessage contains the error
message I set. Let us know the specific validator that you are having
an issue with and we can try out some possibilities from there.

It's the requiredfieldValidator. It might be a setting we both have it
different in VS?

The other problem I have is I have a few textboxes with a few requiredfield
validators plus a submit button in a webpage. In IE, everything works fine.
In Opera and Firefox, the click event for the button gets fired even though
the validators displayed messages that the text fields are blank. The event
shouldn't get fired unless all required fields have something in them.

John Dalberg

Have A Better One!

John M Deal, MCP
Necessity Software


Ben Strackany

My guess is if the validator has EnableClientScript=false, the messages
won't be in the source...they'll only get passed back by the server after a
post back. That could be your culprit right there.

John Dalberg

My guess is if the validator has EnableClientScript=false, the messages
won't be in the source...they'll only get passed back by the server after a
post back. That could be your culprit right there.

enableclientscript is true, otherwise I won't be seeing the error messages
associated with the validators. Plus when I use Opera and Firefox the
source shows them.

As for the Firefox and Opera issue I added a Page.Validate() and it works.

John M Deal

I did some digging and found that in FireFox the onSubmit for the form
is dramatically different than it is in IE. My guess is that it has to
do with BrowserCaps (the way ASP.Net determines if your browser can
handle javascript and what-not and modifies what it sends based on that
determination). Anyway here's a blog entry that someone wrote up on
this that might be able to be used to help figure this out:


No promises but hopefully this will help. Oh, thanks to Clinton
Gallagher over on microsoft.public.dotnet.general for the link (I
"borrowed" it from him after he posted it just a few minutes ago).

Have A Better One!

John M Deal, MCP
Necessity Software

bruce barker

if you use smart navigation, javascript changes the dom on the fly, so the
source is not changed on postbacks (which happen in a hidden iframe - which
in turn is generated by javascript - for which you can see the source). you
need to use a dom inspector to see the changes made by smart nav.

the html for validator is also generated by javascript (when you click a
submit button), so you can not see them is the source. to see the source
look in webuivalidation.js the strings themselves are store as attributes
off of dom nodes and you can see them in the source.

-- bruce (sqlwork.com)

| Why does IE not show the full html source when I try to view the source??
| mean why does it hide a few features.
| Previously I had an issue where the data grid html representation was
| hidden in the source view. After spending a LOT of time troubleshooting
| this, it was due to the smart navigation setting.
| Now I can't see the html for the validators error messages. It's getting
| pretty irritating to work around IE's quirks and its non standard way of
| conforming to web standards.
| Now I have an IE add-on to show full source.
| What are the best ways to make VS produce more browser compatible html?
| --
| John Dalberg

Peter Blum

Microsoft wrote their client-side scripts using DHTML. FireFox uses a
similar standard, DOM. There is enough of a difference that the scripts
simply do not work on FireFox or any Mozilla-based browser.

"Professional Validation And More" (http://www.peterblum.com/vam/home.aspx)
is a replacement to the validators that supports client-side validation on
IE, IE/Mac, Netscape 7, Mozilla, FireFox, Opera 7, and Safari on its 22
validators. It overcomes numerous other limitations of Microsoft's browsers
and greatly expands how your validators communicate with your users. It
includes a conversion program to quickly migrate your existing pages.

--- Peter Blum
Email: (e-mail address removed)
Creator of "Professional Validation And More" at

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