Why does word add a tab when I select by dragging?



When I select text by dragging, Word sometimes automatically adds in a tab
character. I can think of no useful purpose for it doing so, and it is
annoying to have to remove it. This has been present in all versions of Word
since '97, to my recollection.
If this is a 'feature', can anyone tell me how to turn it off? Or at least
explain what the 'benefit' of the feature is?


Must be a quirk of the way you're doing it. It's never happened for me.
Where does the tab appear?


It seems to always display before a paragraph mark. Sometimes in a table
cell, if a table is part of the text selected.

What I'm doing is clicking at the start of the text that I want, and
dragging to select. I usually notice it most when I select a large block of
text, including several paragraphs.

Klaus Linke

Maybe you have "Click and type" activated? ("Tools > Options", Edit tab).
That's an invention from hell.
It tries to insert tabs and empty paragraphs for you to help you, but since default tabs and empty paragraphs are a bad idea in any case, all it does is mess up your document.



Hi Klaus.

Thanks for that. I did have that enabled. Because of the apparently random
nature of the problem, it might be a while before I'm convinced that this
will fix it. Here's hoping! I'll call back and let you all know when I'm sure
it's fixed.

I totally agree - if you are using tabs and empty paragraphs for spacing,
rather than incorporating consistent spacing in your template's styles and
using them, you are making more work for yourself in the long run.


I think you've probably found the cause, except that 'Click and type' wasn't
provided in Word 97.


Yep, I think you are right. It's been three weeks, and I haven't seen it
again, so I reckon that it was that blasted Click and Type 'feature'.

Thanks to all for your help.

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