Why does WMail open MSWord on double click of email address?



If I open an email in Windows Mail ...
....and that email has an email address in the body of the email...
....and I double click on that email address...
....Windows Mail will launch Microsoft Word.

The behavior that I expected to happen was that Windows Mail would create a
New Mail with its "To" field prepopulated with the email address that I
double clicked on.

Why does it launch Microsoft Word?

Is there a way to change the behavior so that it creates a New Mail instead?



Gary VanderMolen

It sounds like Windows Mail does not have all of its defaults assigned.
Open the Default Programs applet, which you can access either from
the Start menu or via the Control Panel, then click the first item:
"Set your default programs."
After a few seconds, a list of programs comes up. Click on "Windows
Mail". If it doesn't respond with "This program has all its defaults"
then fix it by clicking on the option indicated by the first green arrow.

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