Why does the code work on a form, but not the switchboard?



I added an option on my switchboard menu gave it a title, told it to
Run Code, and gave it the value "=mod_Quit()" (without the quotes)
I get an error message that says "There was an error executing the
I also tried just "mod_Quit()"

I created a new blank form and added a button with the onclick value of
"=mod_Quit()", and it works fine. Closes my database just fine.

Can I not user the "mod_Quit()" from the Switchboard? If so how?

Code for "=mod_Quit()"
Function mod_Quit()
On Error GoTo mod_Quit_Err
DoCmd.Quit acSave
Exit Function
MsgBox Error$
Resume mod_Quit_Exit
End Function

I tried this too
Function mod_Quit()
DoCmd.Quit acSave
End Function

Neither of these options work.
What am I missing here.
What is unique about the Switchboard?




I added an option on my switchboard menu gave it a title, told it to
Run Code, and gave it the value "=mod_Quit()" (without the quotes)
I get an error message that says "There was an error executing the
I also tried just "mod_Quit()"

I created a new blank form and added a button with the onclick value of
"=mod_Quit()", and it works fine. Closes my database just fine.

Can I not user the "mod_Quit()" from the Switchboard? If so how?

Code for "=mod_Quit()"
Function mod_Quit()
On Error GoTo mod_Quit_Err
DoCmd.Quit acSave
Exit Function
MsgBox Error$
Resume mod_Quit_Exit
End Function

I tried this too
Function mod_Quit()
DoCmd.Quit acSave
End Function

Neither of these options work.
What am I missing here.
What is unique about the Switchboard?



The name of the function to write in the dialog box is
not mod_Quit() or = mod_Quit()

Why a function? A function is used to return a value.

A sub routine should do very nicely.

Sub mod_Quit()
End Sub

The fact that the Switchboard dialog box asks for a Function name
doesn't mean you can't enter a Sub routine name.


Thanks for the help!!


The name of the function to write in the dialog box is
not mod_Quit() or = mod_Quit()

Why a function? A function is used to return a value.

A sub routine should do very nicely.

Sub mod_Quit()
End Sub

The fact that the Switchboard dialog box asks for a Function name
doesn't mean you can't enter a Sub routine name.

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