Why does the appearance seem different on different computers?



I have uploaded a website and on some computers it is not aligned
evenly and it is on others?

Thank you,


Corey Bryant

Did you use any of that "Frontpage Draw" and rely on FP to design the
website, thus creating some code that some browsers might not read - you
might have some source code like:
<p><!--[if gte vml 1]><v:rect id="_x0000_s1025"
z-index:1'/><![endif]--><![if !vml]><span style='mso-ignore:vglayout;
width=101 height=79 src="new_page_11_files/image001.gif"

Or you are not using a DOCTYPE and IE is in quirks mode. Or your source
code is not correct and some browsers are less forgiving. Or maybe you are
using tables and percentages so 100% in a 800X600 resolution is not the same
in a 1920X1200 resolution

I could go on, but you get the idea. A bit more information from you and we
can be more specific

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