why does my email open in 2 windows?




Does anyone know why Outlook shows in two windows whenever I launch it? I
recently upgraded my Outlook Express to Outlook 2003. Running Windows XP SP2.


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

I suspect you have selected "Open in New Window" for one of your folders.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, MrDnBmore asked:

| Hello,
| Does anyone know why Outlook shows in two windows whenever I launch
| it? I recently upgraded my Outlook Express to Outlook 2003. Running
| Windows XP SP2.
| Thanks.



I WANT outlook to open 2 windows when I start the program, one for mail, one
for calendar. How do I make it always open 2 windows?

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

I WANT outlook to open 2 windows when I start the program, one for mail, one
for calendar. How do I make it always open 2 windows?

Open Outlook. Then right-click the Calendar folder and choose "Open in New
Window". You will now have two Outlook windows, one for Inbox and one for
Calendar. Tile them on your screen as you wish. Close the main window first
by clicking File>Exit and then close the second (the calendar) window with the
X in the upper right. Outlook will remember you had two windows open and
their positions and open them both again when you next start it.



Thanks much! It worked! I was always using the "X" to close windows. I guess
File > Exit makes the difference!


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