Why does MS Access 2003 keep trying to install when launched?



I have installed office 2003 on a users pc. I chose the complete install.
All components are set to run from local pc. When the user launches MS
Access it looks for the install point and re-installs before opening.

I have uninstalled and re-installed several times.

Any suggestions??
Kevin Huntsinger



I believe this is happening because you installed it as the Administrator or
as yourself. The when the user logs in the system has to "Install" or
basically setup the program to run with the users defaults and not yours.

The "install" or setup you are referring to should only occur the first time
the user uses the program. If your users are restricted on installs or are
users with less than poweruser rights you may want to set them as Admin on
the local machine only, temporarily, let them start the program have it set
up and then remove them. If it is happening everytime they use the program.


I had thought the same thing. The user is in the admin group of the pc. I
uninstalled while logged on as the user and then performed the re-install.
I am still running into the same problems. Everytime the user opens access
it has to setup or install. Word, outlook,excell,infopath do not do this.
This is strange.

Any other ideas?


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