Why does Managed DLL export so many unmanaged symbols?


Rob Burke

I'm trying to create a hybrid Managed/unmanaged C++ DLL that uses ATL
and wraps some of DirectShow.

When I add a reference to that Managed C++ DLL in another managed
project, I end up "polluting" my namespaces will all sorts of
unmanaged stuff I didn't want the DLL to export.

For instance, there is an ATL namespace that contains things like
CComPtr<IBaseFilter>. And in the root namespace, I am exporting
things like _AMMediaType and IUnknown and other unmanaged classes and
structs. It all shows up in the Object Browser and also in the

I wish I could say "don't export anything from this DLL except for the
Managed classes I've marked as externally public."

Can I do that?

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