Why do the Direct X samples use mainly c++?


Jack O'Lantern

Like video capture...

When you download the Direct X 9 SDK, there are like 12 samples for
progs for DirectShow in C++, but only 2 in managed languages. Can you
do everything in c# you can do in c++, in DirectX?

How does one "convert" these c++ languages to c#? I'm not as familiar
with c++ as I am with c#, and i'm not sure how I'd say "this line in
c++ would be THIS line c#" and so forth.

Thanks for any tips!



Expect that to change, but peoples perception is managed code and games =
bad. They are the same people that also should "FPS!!!" not knowing that
over 100 fps or so makes jack all difference


When you download the Direct X 9 SDK, there are like 12 samples for
progs for DirectShow in C++, but only 2 in managed languages. Can you
do everything in c# you can do in c++, in DirectX?

AFAIK, DirectShow is not supported in Managed DirectX. It is only available
for DirectX in C++, hence the language of the examples. I think you can
still use DirectShow via COM, but I've never tried it.
How does one "convert" these c++ languages to c#? I'm not as familiar
with c++ as I am with c#, and i'm not sure how I'd say "this line in
c++ would be THIS line c#" and so forth.

Though C++ syntax is very similar to C# syntax (with the exception of
pointers), C# has many .NET classes that C++ doesn't have. So converting
between the two may require knowledge of both languages so you can choose
the best implementation strategy when converting. Going from C++ to C# may
be easier than going the other direction unless the C++ code is doing a lot
of direct memory access. But like I said, DirectShow isn't even available
in Managed DirectX.

There is one way you could get access to DirectShow (sort of), but it
requires knowledge of C++, so I won't go into details. Depending on
details, it could be really easy to access from C#.

Is this a personal project or a professional one?

Harry Bosch

Like video capture...

When you download the Direct X 9 SDK, there are like 12 samples for
progs for DirectShow in C++, but only 2 in managed languages. Can you
do everything in c# you can do in c++, in DirectX?

How does one "convert" these c++ languages to c#? I'm not as familiar
with c++ as I am with c#, and i'm not sure how I'd say "this line in
c++ would be THIS line c#" and so forth.

The main thing with DirectShow (and the rest of DirectX, I assume) is the
COM interfaces you have to deal with. They are bad enough in C++, so if
you could use COM Interop with C# you might be a lot better off. You'll
need to hit the books/docs on COM interop, but I imagine it is doable.

I'm currently on a project using DirectShow to do video capture, but
since the requirements are that it be done in C++, I haven't looked into
using C# or any of the other .NET facilities. Do a search on
www.codeproject.com, however -- I think I recall someone posting an
article about this topic, and how to get the COM interfaces set up for
use with a .NET language (I could be wrong, and, if so, apologies in

Also, there are some sharp DirectShow guys on
microsoft.public.win32.programmer.directx.video, which could be helpful.

Jack O'Lantern

Thanks for all the suggestions, guys. I will research the COM interop ideas....


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