Why do my readability scores keep rounding?



Why do my Flesch-Kinkaid readability scores keep rounding to the nearest
whole number (ex: 4, 5) instead of to the nearest tenth (ex: 4.5, 5.6)? And
how can I get them to stop rounding???

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Christie Lynn,

What version of Word are you using and what are the steps you're following to get the readability statistics displayed in Word?

Why do my Flesch-Kinkaid readability scores keep rounding to the nearest
whole number (ex: 4, 5) instead of to the nearest tenth (ex: 4.5, 5.6)? And
how can I get them to stop rounding???>>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*



I used Microsoft Office Word 2000 on a PC, although I recently installed an
Office 2003 software update (on the same computer) and I'm still having the
same problem. To get the readability I highlight the passage and select
Spelling & Grammar, which after it's done checking spelling and grammar
displays this info along with other stats (word count, sentences, etc...)
It's displaying the info I need fine, it's just that all the stats that are
displayed (inc. Flesch-Kinkaid readability) are rounded to the nearest whole
number and I don't know why. Thanks for any help you can give me! :)


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