Why do my e-mails from AOL get marked for deletion automatically



My messages come in from AOL okay but they are all automatically marked for
deletion. Do I have a setting wrong?


Cindy said:
My messages come in from AOL okay but they are all automatically marked
deletion. Do I have a setting wrong?

*Marked* for deletion? You mean they have a line through them? Or did they
get moved to the Deleted Items folder? Check what rules you have defined
and if you have junk filtering enabled. No specifics can be provided since
you didn't mention WHICH version of Outlook that you have. Does "my
messages come in from AOL" mean that you are sending yourself messages?
Does "from AOL" mean that you have an AOL account or that the messages that
are getting deleted come from senders on the AOL domain?


Sorry I wasn't more specific. I have an AOL e-mail address. I want to read
them in Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 (SP1). The come in okay to me but are
immediately marked with a line through them.
Thanks, Cindy

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