Why do I get 3356:Reserved Error?




I am trying to run this routine, kindly supplied by Ken Sheridan. I
get 3356:Reserved Error at the line:

Application.CompactRepair strBackEnd, strBackUp

Two things puzzle me.

1). Is it cos I is still got the database open? If I close the
database first the code stops executing.
2). Why is it not trapped by the line :Case FILEINUSE ?

This is the code.

Public Sub BackUp(strBackEnd As String, strBackUp As String)

Const FILEINUSE = 3356
Dim strMessage As String

' if back up file exists get user confirmation
' to delete it
If Dir(strBackUp) <> "" Then
strMessage = "Delete existing file " & strBackUp & "?"
If MsgBox(strMessage, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Confirm") = vbNo
strMessage = "Back up aborted."
MsgBox strMessage, vbInformation, "Back up"
Exit Sub
Kill strBackUp
End If
End If

On Error Resume Next
' attempt to open backend exclusively
OpenDatabase Name:=strBackEnd, Options:=True

Select Case Err.Number
Case 0
' no error so proceed
On Error GoTo 0
Application.CompactRepair strBackEnd, strBackUp
' ensure back up file created
If Dir(strBackUp) = Mid(strBackUp, InStrRev(strBackUp, "\") +
1) Then
strMessage = "Back up successfully carried out."
strMessage = "Back up failed."
End If
MsgBox strMessage, vbInformation, "Back up"
' file in use - inform user
strMessage = "The file " & strBackEnd & _
" is currently unavailable. " & _
" It may be in use by another user" & _
" or you may have a table in it open."
MsgBox strMessage
Case Else
' unknown error - inform user
MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error"
End Select

End Sub


Douglas J. Steele

Remove the line of code

OpenDatabase Name:=strBackEnd, Options:=True

Access doesn't know that you're the other user!

And the reason why your error trapping doesn't do anything for the File In
Use is because of the line

On Error Resume Next

That's fine after the OpenDatabase statement: regardless of whether an
error's raised, the next statement checks the error code. However, when an
error's raised on the statement

Application.CompactRepair strBackEnd, strBackUp

control just flows to the next statement, which doesn't check the error

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