WHy do I favoites ocons not chnage?



When I am in Internet Exploer on the Net, I noticed my favorites had
their icons all chnage back to the standard. How come sometimes when
you bookmark a site, you get a custom icon and other times you don't.
Also why do they change back to the default?


When I am in Internet Exploer on the Net, I noticed my favorites had
their icons all chnage back to the standard. How come sometimes when
you bookmark a site, you get a custom icon and other times you don't.
Also why do they change back to the default?

Those custom icons are known as favicons. They are saved it in the IE
cache and deleted when the cache is cleared so that's why they disappear
sometimes. Go to Kelly's site at http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_abc.htm

Click on F and look at "Favorite Icons are Missing" for tips how to
handle this.

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