Why did my Excel file suddenly balloon in size?



I have an Excel file we use as an office schedule. It's essentially a
calendar with a tab for each month. When I updated the worksheet for 2006
the file size shot from 246K to 6.25M. Does anone have an idea why?



All, I found the problem tab, deleted it and recreated it. Problem solved.

Thanks, Dave


One of the solutions I was given was to find the last cell on the sheet
and then delete all the data except what I wanted (something to do with
erroneous data sometimes appearing later in a sheet). I used Ctrl+End to go
to the last cell in the sheet and then deleted all rows and columns up to
where my data ended. Then I would use Ctrl+End again to ensure that any
erroneous data was gone. On the problem tab I tried this approach but no
matter how many times I deleted rows and columns, Ctrl+End still took me well
past the end of my data. I finally gave up and just deleted the sheet and
the problem was solved.

Hope this works for you, Dave

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