Why can't I use the Enter key to go to the file in a hyperlink in.



In Excel 2003 I can't use the Enter key to to to a hyperlink destination. It
only works with a mouse click.

Also how do I stop the Web toolbar appearing everytime I go to the hyperlink

These are both very annoying changes in Excel 2003.

Dave Peterson

I think that excel's behavior changed before xl2003 (for the hyperlink stuff).
(and I don't have a solution for you)...

One way is to just to disable the Web toolbar until you want it back.

Option Explicit
Sub testme01()
Application.CommandBars("web").Enabled = False
End Sub

If you want it back, just change the False to True.

You could run that little macro, or you could even just enter the command from
the VBE immediate window:

Hit alt-f11
hit ctrl-g
type this and hit enter:
Application.CommandBars("web").Enabled = False
And close this window and try it out.

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