why <asp:ButtonColumn> for datagrid doesn't have CausesValidation property like <asp:Button>


z. f.


I'm having an aspx page with a server form.

i have a grid with a delete button and below the grid, another area with
inputs for inserting new values and an "add" button for submiting the lower
area of the form.

on the lower area i have validators for validating input.

my problem is that when the delete button is pressed on a grid item, the
validators fails for invalid input.
all i need to do now is to set the delete button of the grid to not cause
validation ( CausesValidation =False ) , but this property is not there and
i get compilation error if i try to set this property.

how can i get this page to work, and wouldn't you expect the
<asp:ButtonColumn> of the datagrid to have the CausesValidation property
like the regular <asp:Button> that it mimics (not to say inherits - the
sacred word) it's behavior.

TIA, z..

Martin Marinov

why don't you use
<asp:Button runat="server" id='btnSubmit" CauseValidation="False"
Text="Delete" CommandName="DeleteItem"/>

<asp:Button runat="server" id='btnSubmit" CauseValidation="False"
Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "YourColumn")%>'


z. f.

well, i guess that the dot-net gods don't like your suggestion,
the first gets the page to the browser, but validation upon submit is done,
so i can't continue.
(i tried to put the button definition in the code behind so it might help -
but no)

the second get's a run time compilation error - the error is : The server
tag is not well formed, and when the <%%> tags are removed it does get to
the client, but of-course it's not enough.

Martin Marinov

Actually i can not understand why the first example is not working :( it is
strange to me
about the second suggestion - excuse my but i've made a typo and put '
instead of " before the btnSubmit
and aslo you can try this

<asp:Button runat="server" id='btnSubmit" CauseValidation="false"
CommandName="DeleteItem" > <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,
"YourColumn")%> </asp:Button>


z. f.


you can not put <%%> server tags inside a server control - please try to run
your example before posting.

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