why are my access 2003 data tables labeled "access 2000 format"?!



I've just started using Access 2003, teaching myself to use it with the
Microsoft online training site and a commercial manual. I've spent days
creating and filling a number of tables. Now I suddenly realize that at the
heading of my database window, after the name of the database, there is the
notation "("Access 2000 format)". What does this mean? Have I inadvertantly
selected an outdated format? Will I lose any of the Access 2003
capabilities? I don't see anything in "help" about this.


One of two things here, or both, maybe.
First, you started with a 2000 format database and have not converted it.
Second, you need to update the database format option:
Tools->Options->Advanced Tab->Default File Format
It probably is set at 2000.

Brendan Reynolds

Access 2000 and Access 2003 use the same file format as Access 2000 by
default, for backward compatibility. If you're sure that neither you nor any
one else will ever need to open this database using Access 2000, you can
easily convert it to Access 2002/2003 format - you'll find the option under
Tools, Database Utilities. You're really not missing very much by using the
Access 2000 format, though.

Brendan Reynolds

Oops! I meant, of course, Access 2002 and Access 2003 use the same file
format as Access 2000 by default ...

Brendan Reynolds

Brendan Reynolds said:
Access 2000 and Access 2003 use the same file format as Access 2000 by

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