why a form bound to ADO recordset from DB2 is readonly

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bula
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I created a form bound to ADO recordset containing data from DB2
database, but the form is readonly. How can I make the form editable?


--Create a form with 4 labels, and 4 text boxes: label 1, label2,
label3, label4, text1, text2, text3, text4.

--Put the following code to the form's open event:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
'create an ado connection instance and set its properties

Dim myconnection As ADODB.Connection
Set myconnection = New ADODB.Connection

Dim str As String
str = "Data Provider=IBMDADB2;DSN=sample;User
With myconnection
.Provider = "MSDataShape"
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.ConnectionString = str
End With

'create an ado recordset and set its properties
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

With rs
Set .ActiveConnection = myconnection
.Source = "SELECT * FROM admin.staff"
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
.CursorType = adOpenSatic
End With

'set the form's data source to the ado recordset
Set Me.Recordset = rs
Me.UniqueTable = "staff1"
'bind form controls to recordset fields
Dim x As Integer
For x = 1 To 4
Me.Controls("Label" & x).Caption = rs.Fields(x - 1).Name
Me.Controls("Text" & x).ControlSource = rs.Fields(x - 1).Name
End Sub
I created a form bound to ADO recordset containing data from DB2
database, but the form is readonly. How can I make the form editable?
str = "Data Provider=IBMDADB2;DSN=sample;User
With myconnection
.Provider = "MSDataShape"
Sure that the MSDataShape provider is the correct one?

--> stefan <--
Thank you Stefan.

If we delete the MSDataShape provider, the result is the same.


Stefan Hoffmann wrote:
If we delete the MSDataShape provider, the result is the same.
Link the table manually in the database window. If the linked table is
updateable, then use the connect string of this table.

--> stefan <--
The code you posted in your original post in this thread includes the
following line ...

.CursorType = adOpenSatic

If that is your actual code, and not just a typo in the newsgroup post, then
you have misspelled adOpenStatic.