WLP refers to a document set titled 'Windows Logo Program' for Hardware
Requirements. These document sets are revised with each major HCT kit
release. You can download the WLP from the following web link:
WLP# B11.1.1.1 refers to:
B11.0 Streaming Media and Broadcast
B11.1 General Streaming
All general requirements in B1.0 are included by reference.
All bus-specific requirements in B2.0 are included by reference.
B11.1.1 General Streaming - Windows Compatibility
B11.1.1.1 Device support is based on DirectX foundation class and WDM stream
The driver for any video or tuner/decoder device must use the Microsoft
DirectX foundation class to control all video data. Video input devices must
use WDM device drivers as defined in the Windows DDK.
MPEG decoders with motion compensation or Inverse DCT hardware acceleration
use Microsoft DirectX VA API.
DVD decoders must use the operating system's native file system support to
read DVD drives; alternatively, for SCSI devices, requests can be passed
using IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH. The decoder must not use non-Microsoft
drivers to read the content of DVD drives.
Gene Ziegler