While doing multiple cell copy paste the Selection.PasteSpecial overrides the protected formula cell



I am using custom copy paste function in my Excel VBA. I trap the key
strokes for paste key and use Selection.PasteSpecial
Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlPasteSpecialOperationNone,
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False function for copy paste. I have
some formula cells on my excel which are protected. If I try to paste
on these formula cells individually (single cell) it does not paste
anything since they are protected.But when I try to paste onto
multiple cells it over writes the values on to my formula cells there
by losing the formulas.

Bob Bridges

Let me rephrase this and see whether I'm understanding it right: You have a
macro already written which intercepts one of the paste key sequences -
<Ctl-V> or <Shift-Ins>, probably - and in the macro you use the
Selection.PasteSpecial method instead. When the Selection range is just one
cell, protection steps in and prevents the paste; but when multiple cells are
protected, formulae in protected cells are being overwritten. You want some
way of preventing that from happening. Is that right?

If so, I don't know much about protection - I hardly ever use it - so
someone else may be able to tell you something simpler. But if this is a bug
- I mean, a feature of Excel, then you should maybe write into your macro
something that refuses to do the paste if the Selection consists of more than
one cell, like this:

If Selection.Count = 1 Then
Selection.Paste ....
MsgBox "Paste to multiple cells not allowed in this worksheet!", 16, _
"Not allowed!")
End If

If you want to get fancy, you can check all the cells in the Selection and
allow the paste only if none of them are protected.

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