Whidbey and SqlConnection



When I try to create a SqlConnection() object in Whidbey, I get an exception
saying Unknown ProviderConnection string not valid.

This is the exact same connectino string that works fine in VS.NET 2003 and
C# 1.0.....what do I have to change? I'm doing:

new SqlConnection("server=xxxx;uid=xxx;pwd=xxx;database=xxx");

Morten Wennevik

Hi Scott,

Are you sure this works fine in vs.net 2003?
Your connection string looks a bit odd and I would have changed it to

"server=xxxx;user id=xxx;password=xxx;database=xxx";

I find www.connectionstrings.com to be handy in these cases.


Even if I try to create this from the Data Sources window it fails. I can go
to the 'All' tab and fill in the fields and hit test and it fails from
Whidbey. Since it's building the connection string itself in this case, I
know the string is formatted properly.

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