Which RSS Feed Reader?



Which is your favorite?
It'll be my first use of an RSS reader so here's hoping it'll be friendly to
an oldster. TYIA, Juzme


Juzme said:
Which is your favorite?
It'll be my first use of an RSS reader so here's hoping it'll be friendly to
an oldster. TYIA, Juzme

Before you download any software, try www.bloglines.com
Take it from another oldster, this free web-based service is all you
need . . . incredible features - you even get unlimited disposable
email addresses @bloglines.com.

The Six Million Dollar Man

Juzme said:
Which is your favorite?
It'll be my first use of an RSS reader so here's hoping it'll be friendly to
an oldster. TYIA, Juzme
You could give Thunderbird a try. http://www.mozilla.com/thunderbird/

This is an excellent replacement for your Outlook Express. It can do
email, newsgroups, and rss feeds.

If you prefer using your browser to view rss feeds, then Firefox might
be a good choice for you. http://www.mozilla.com/


Which is your favorite?
It'll be my first use of an RSS reader so here's hoping it'll be friendly to
an oldster. TYIA, Juzme
They vary widely in ease of use and GUI (the way you sort & read
articles)....and almost all of them have settings to choose exactly how
you want stuff displayed.....for pretty clear & easy first time users, I
might suggest Great News... http://www.curiostudio.com

or even Abilon http://www.abilon.org , though they have different ideas
of what you click where and how it's displayed.

Get wild! Try 3-4 and decide!

aireiq zh'eceanoh

Juzme said:
Which is your favorite?
It'll be my first use of an RSS reader so here's hoping it'll be friendly to
an oldster. TYIA, Juzme

I like newspipe (newspipe.sourceforge.net). It's an RSS to email
aggregator, so you can use whatever mail client you're most familiar
with to read your feeds, and can procmail the everliving heck out of
your setup if you want.

It's cross platform (I've successfully run it on Linux, OS X, and
Windows, and this is all in the last week or so), and pretty powerful,
though the site is a little low on some of the basic "howto" stuff in
favor of the ridiculous amounts of configurability.

If you decide to try it, just a couple of warnings: make sure to log to
the console to begin with, so you can see immediately if the script
spits errors. Also, the error messages aren't the most helpful things
the world. To non-coders like myself, they look like there are some
serious script issues... like the sky is falling or something. But when
checking the OPML file that I used, I realized I didn't correctly case
'htmlUrl' or something.

But despite it being a pain to set up, it's by far the best "reader"
I've used. And archiving the feed results to a gmail acct set up for
that very purpose isn't half bad.

So you get tagging, persistent archives, etc, all in one shot.

I sound like a sales rep.


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