Which registry section to use for Windows 2003 compatibility?


Ganga Sridhar

Platform: Windows 2003 server, .NET Deployment Kit


I am creating a setup application using .NET deployment kit for Windows 2003
compatibility for my VC++ based product.

My setup needs to create certain entries int he registry.
After reading the specification for Windows 2003 compatibility , I am not
sure what is the right location for making entries in the registry.

Should the setup application make entries in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section
Where should my setup write information regarding the location of the
Product's installed path, company name etc.

Is it ok for my Product applications to use the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section
or the HKEY_CURRENT_USER or are there any restrictions on that.

I am unsure about the registry specifications.
Any pointers would be of great help

Thanks and Regards

NIC Student

You are better off asking the question in one of the programing groups.

Scott Baldridge
Windows Server MVP, MCSE

"Ganga Sridhar"

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