Which Plugins are shipped with IE6 SP1?


sebastian wilske


we are looking for a information, which plugins are autmatically
installed with IE6 SP1. We are using SVG for a internet plattform used
in a project and when we tested it, IE6 was installed automatically
including adobe's svgviewer. It seems that this has changed in the last
weeks but there is no information about this available.

Does anybody know about this and maybe the reasons?

Does anybody know, which plugins are actually installed when I use the
ie6setup.exe from microsoft.com?
Does anybody know, when and why microsoft decided to remove the
svgviewer from the IE6 SP1 setup?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Wilske

Institut fuer Staedtebau und Landesplanung
Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH)
Kaiserstrasse 12
D - 76131 Karlsruhe

Tel. ++49 - (0)721/608 6223
Fax. ++49 - (0)721/691 669

Robert Aldwinckle

Does anybody know, when and why microsoft decided to remove the
svgviewer from the IE6 SP1 setup?

I think a more likely assumption would be
that if you had an svgviewer in your IE6setup
it would have been put there by somebody's
IEAK customization.

Use Help, About on one which had it and see if,
for example, the version name has a trailing CO.
That would be an indication of IEAK customization.