Where's my Recycle Bin?



I just noticed it is not on my desktop. I tried some undo's with no
luck, so I checked in the $Recycle folder just in case, but is wasn't

How do I recover the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop?

Thanks, Bill


hello.. right click on an empty space on the desktop, and select personalize

then on the left pane you will see a "desktop icons" link.. press that,

and you will see a window with checkmarks and icons...

place a checkmark on recycle bin

tell me if this helps


That was an easy fix, thanks Dave and Corbomite! FWIW, I have no idea
how I lost the recycle bin as I had not accessed the desktop icons
link, but at least I know how to resolve the problem next time it
happens! :)

- MrBill

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