where to put sub?


Mr. T


i have a master page, and then my aspx page that uses that master page.

Now in my aspx i want to use a LinkButton to sort data on my page.

My question is where do i put the sub the LinkButton is calling to? If i put
it outside the <asp:Content tags i get an error that i can't place it there.
When i place the sub inside the content-tags i also get an error that i
can't place it there.

So where can i put the sub?

Thx in advance!




Hello Mr. T,

Ok, the sub should go on yourpage.aspx event handler, if you created your
form with a code behind page then you should have something like this:

yourpage.aspx ----> front end page or content page (html tags etc.)
yourpage.aspx.vb ---> code behind page in VB, Here is where your sub must

But, if you created your form with no code behind page then the sub must go
between the script tags at the top of your content page, check this out:

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>

Private your sub
End sub


Hope this helps

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