where is the Venn Diagram located in the network?



Hi there I'm new here but having a difficult time in locating the Venn
Diagram, consisted of three overlap circles used for business and Accounting.
Right now I am a student at one of the local Universiting and out Instructor
would like for all students to do a Power point Presentation. Since I'm a
Computer Information Tech major, I just can not get this Venn Diagram
position correctly in one of the Presentation . Could any one directed me to
the correct version of the Venn Diagram or have any suggestions on cut and
paste transfer?


What version of PowerPoint are you using? What positioning are you trying to
achieve? I know that you can see your screen, but we can't and we don't know
what you're trying to do or what is happening instead. Or if you don't know how
to start a Venn Diagram, go to Insert > Diagram and pick the Venn. But, if you
don't have PowerPoint 2002 or 2003 then you don't have that option. So you can
see that we don't have enough info.

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