Where does ASP.NET Membership store the information?


Nathan Sokalski

I am relatively new to the ASP.NET 2.0 Login controls, and am having some
trouble getting started. Here are my main problems:

1. I want to use either the default provider or one that stores the data in
an SQL Server database (I will be happy with either one). I am having
trouble figuring out exactly what I need to add to my Web.config file. I
have already added the following in the <system.web> element:

<authentication mode="Forms"/>
<allow users="?"/>

What else do I need to add?

2. Where do the Login controls store the user registrations (I realize that
this can be different depending on the membership provider specified in

If someone could please help me figure out what I need to do to get started,
I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

Nathan Sokalski

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