Where did the Volume Control go?


Robert Williams

When I check on "Place Volume Control in Taskbar", the
system tells me it is not installed, then directs me to
the Add/Remove Programs.

When I go to Windows Components, I can't find anything on
the Volume Control. I know in Win2000 it was
under "Accessories and Utilities" > "Multimedia", but in
XP there is no Multimedia.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance.

Robert Williams


Robert said:
...go to Windows Components, I can't find anything on
the Volume Control...

Accessories > Entertainment
Control Panel > Sound, Speech & Audio Dev > Sound & Audio Dev


Robert Williams

Yes, I have sound on my computer, I just can't find the
volume control in the Windows Component Installer

Robert Williams

Robert Williams

My sound is great, I just can't find where the volume
control is in the Windows Component Wizard.

Robert Williams

Well Bee, you're the closest one so far, at least you knew
what I was talking about, but there isn't
an "Entertainment" listed where I'm looking.

Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Windows Components >
Accessories and Utilities....

No entertainment under there....did it come installed on
XP Home?


Robert Williams

Robert Williams

So did you find it where I was referring?

Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Add/Remove Windows

When the Windows Components Wizard shows up, go
to "Accessories and Utilities"

I don't see an Entertainment.




"Lord, forgive me if I have trespassed...."

Start > All Pgms > Access > Entertainmt > S'd Recorder, Vol Contr, WMP



Try expanding a new copy of sndvol32.exe from the XP compact disc

Click on Start and the nclick on Run

Type in the following (X means the drive letter your cdrom is in)

expand X:\i386\sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.ex
Click Ok

Now try the volume to see if it works


Ron said:
Try expanding a new copy of sndvol32.exe from the XP compact disc.

No, Robert was looking at the wrong window due to my inadequate

Robert, have you got it? Please, don't be offended by my
prayer/incantation. It was meant to be funny, to express my surprise,
and I hope you have not taken it any other way!


Robert Williams

Sorry Ron, I think I mentioned before that my sound works
fine. Why is EVERYBODY making this harder than it really
is??? Follow me here (yes, actually go through the
following steps):

Win2000: Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Add/Remove
Windows Components... "Accessories and Utilities"(click
Details)..."Multimedia"(click Details)...NOW...there is
a "Volume Control" listed under multimedia. This is ALL
I'm looking for....

WinXP: Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Add/Remove
Windows Components..."Accessories and Utilities"(click
Details)...NOW....WHERE did multimedia go? Where did
Volume Control GO? See the Subject of my original post?

Thank you,



Robert said:
..WinXP: Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Add/Remove
Windows Components..."Accessories and Utilities"(click
Details)...NOW....WHERE did multimedia go? Where did
Volume Control GO? ...

Crystal clear. I don't have Multimedia under Accessories & Utilities.
There is no listing of Multimedia in Optional Windows Components on my
WinXP CD (Home edition) either. Sorry about the confusion.



Reinstalling your drivers should fix the volume control so you can find it
and get in it. Your sound may be working but the volume control is your
sound mixer. The sound card drivers install your mixer. Without the mixer
you have no volume control as they are one in the same. I read the rest of
the thread and no one is making this harder except yourself. You're wanting
us to verify how you think the volume control should be found or installed.
It is not installed like you think. It isn't in add/remove windows
components. Just try reinstalling and/or updating youir sound drivers. Most
likely the volume control will come back and if it doesn't then we'll go
from there.

Robert Williams

First off, look at my subject line!!! It says "Where did
the Volume Control go?", not "Why isn't my sound
working?", or "How do I...blah, blah, blah...?". It was a
simple question that needed a simple answer, so YES,
everybody else was making it harder than what I was

ALL I wanted to know was: WHERE Microsoft moved the damn
control to...that's it...no other discussion was
needed...all of the sudden I get 10 people trying to tell
me how to fix my sound...the answers that I was getting
had NOTHING to do with the QUESTION that I asked, and
yours didn't either.

If you would look under the Windows 2000 "Windows
Components Wizard" you will see that there is a "Volume
Control" under "Accessories and Utilities > Multimedia".
All I wanted to know was where Microsoft put it in Windows
XP. If they removed it and left it up to a 3rd party, then
great, say so. How complicated can that be? You guys are
supposed to be the experts. (If you're NOT, you shouldn't
be answering these threads.)

I apologize for sounding irate, but geez, read the
question and analyze it before making assumptions or
jumping to conclusions.




I apologize for sounding irate, but geez, read the
question and analyze it before making assumptions or
jumping to conclusions.



With that kind of response, you're very unlikely to get an answer.
Chill out man, this is a volunteer peer to peer group. If you don't
like the replies you're getting, dial up MS, get out your credit card,
and you'll get all the "correct" answers you want.....

Robert Williams

Nah, they can't give em to me either.


-----Original Message-----

With that kind of response, you're very unlikely to get an answer.
Chill out man, this is a volunteer peer to peer group. If you don't
like the replies you're getting, dial up MS, get out your credit card,
and you'll get all the "correct" answers you want.....

Les Herrman

If expanding a copy of sndvol32.exe from your Windows CD to the
Windows\System32 folder does not work, Then you could try the

Open the Windows\Inf folder
Right click on the file multimed.inf and choose install.

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