Where did I write the file


Lloyd Sheen

I forgot a line of code in a routine to save a file on request from client.
File is to be saved on server and a link presented to him to download the
file if wanted.

The code does not append the folder so it has just a file name. I cannot
find the file and a File.Exists shows that it (without the path) exists.

I have tried a file search (Vista shows nothing as usual) and cannot find
the file anywhere. I know the filename but bloody Vista is hiding the file.

Any ideas since I would really like to know where the file exists?

Lloyd Sheen

Alvin Bruney [MVP]

The file should be written to the application directory by default if there
is no path.

Alvin Bruney
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Lloyd Sheen

I checked the entire site for the file and cannot see it. A Vista search
will not show the file. I am in VS 2005 Pro and executing using the builtin
web server. I guess I can check for the application directory and see what
that brings. I just really want to view the file and then delete it. I
have fixed the code so that the file goes to the correct place for the user
to be able to click the link to download the file.

Lloyd Sheen

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