Where can I find simple step by step instruction to set up Remote access in XP Pro?



Sorry in advance as I'm sure this has been addresses, but believe it or not,
I can't seem to find it.

I just got a new XP Pro system and need to set it up so I can access it from
my home (XP Home on a laptop). My work computer is by itself, no network, no
server, no exchange, etc..

Where is the best (and simple) step by step instructions to set this up so I
can access my work computer from home?

Thanks in advance !!!!


Fish (weird calling somebody fish btw),

Sounds like you've got a pretty convenient situation going in that your
new work computer is directly connected to the internet. Your possible
solutions are greatly improved.

I think everybody would agree with me when they say that in your
instance a variant of VNC would be the best to set up (RealVNC,
TightVNC, UVNC, etc). Load the server application on your work machine
(provided they don't have rules against that sort of thing) and run a
client on your home machine. Using your public IP address from your
work computer--which you can check by going to www.ipchicken.com--you
can easily connect to it through the internet.

Maybe somebody out there knows an easy way to set up MS Remote Desktop
in a non-domain environment though.

Good luck,
Gary Hibbard


SO the MS Remote program is mainly for networked computers?

I was using a VNC program on my old computer before I got XP Pro on this new

Would I be better off continuing to use the same VNC program I was using to
control my work computer from home?

I was under the assumption getting XP Pro and using the RDC program built
into XP Pro was a better option. Was I wrong?


Sooner Al

Sorry in advance as I'm sure this has been addresses, but believe it or not, I can't
seem to find it.
I just got a new XP Pro system and need to set it up so I can access it from my home
(XP Home on a laptop). My work computer is by itself, no network, no server, no
exchange, etc..
Where is the best (and simple) step by step instructions to set this up so I can access
my work computer from home?
Thanks in advance !!!!

See this page for help...


Sooner Al [MVP]

I forgot to add that some folks, including myself, run Remote Desktop
through VPN or Secure Shell (SSH) tunnels for added security. See my
comments concerning RDP and SSH tunneling in this BBR thread...



Al Jarvi (MS-MVP Windows Networking)

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