Where can I find RFUtils ?




I've read in this forum that the RFUtils library will tbe included in
thne next release of the OpenNetCF.

But I would like to test this library now if possible.

I cannot find this library over the Internet ?

Do you know where I could find this library or when the next release of
the OpenNetCF SDF will be released ?

than you for your answer


Chris Tacke, eMVP

The next release of the SDF will be out in the next couple days. If you
need the older version before then (it's changed quite a bit) search Google.
It was posted here at least once.


Thank you very much for your help Paul.

In fact, here's the last one that I posted (with the test program)... The
version in SDF will have a few changes (to standardize names, add some more
information about adapters, etc.), but the functionality is basically the

Paul T.

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