when i use a program after 10 min the system doesnt work



i use WINXP pro
my system is

pentium 2.8Ghz
ram 512 RAM
hd 80 Gb
screen savers off
svga ati 128mb

the system works ok

i use a program that collects informations and measurements from "com1" and "com2"
this program has to work for a period of 30+min

for the first 10-14min the programm and the system works perfect

after all the system and the programm doesnt work.

--the same program in win98 works perfect

i try an installation of XP in ntfs and in fat32
in both of them the problem exist
i think in fat 32 the system works more stable...

do u have any idea??


Crusty \(-: Old B@stard :-\)

Why is it that when people have a problem with a "specific" program, they
SELDOM tell those who would help them THE NAME OF THE PROGRAM and its
version number! It would be helpful - you think?


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)


That would make helping them way too easy.. just like it is way too easy to
type the name and version number of the program into a Google search to
locate a website that in all probability will tell them that the program is
NOT compatible with XP.. listen for the cry ".. but it worked in Win 98.."

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

Contact the manufacturer of the program and ask them if they
provide a version that is WinXP-compatible.

Bruce Chambers
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