When I e-mail, my text is riddled with these crazy characters,



When I send e-mails recipients always get these crazy characters. Simple
dashes turn into –. Someitmes I get weird Japanese character set error
messages. Example:

Staci –

First off, great job on the newsletter. I love the design. Very sharp, Love
the font choices. Great job.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1) <!--[endif]-->Logo – if you open all the
layers on the logo and go down to the very bottom, you will see 2 layers that
are groups. Open those groups and the shield backgrounds are there.

Any suggestions. Can't find much help.

Wally C


It looks like my encoding is set to Western European (ISO).

Is that a correct setting?


Pat Willener

That usually *is* the best encoding for Western European languages.
However it appears that you somehow get multibyte Unicode characters
into your text. Can you try Unicode UTF-8 as your encoding, and see if
the problem still occurs?

How do you type your dashes; straight from the keyboard?