What version Excel file was created in.



Can anyone tell me how to find out what version of Excel and file was created
in? I have a routine which inserts sheets into workbooks. However it fails
on files that were used extensively in Excel 97. I want to put an error
handler in that checks to see if the file in question was created/used in
Excel 97.

I am assuming that checking the version that it is currently in will not be
efficient as a file created in Excel 97 will likely have been saved as more
current versions. I know Tom Ogilvy has stated in an ealier post that you
can look at the sheet names in the project window of the VBE to get a clue.

For example, Sheet 16 in this file is named "Sheet16111111". Tom had stated
that this was a clue. And if fact it is, you cannot insert sheets in this
workbook via VBA.


Bob Phillips

This gives you the current Excel version, not what the workbook was created

Tom Ogilvy gave a post some while back which returns the fileformat. Okay if
it hasn't been updated, but other than that I think you are on a lost
cause - http://tinyurl.com/b6okv



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Michel Pierron

Hi ExcelMonkey;
You can use:
Sub xlFileVersion()
Dim Typ As String
Select Case ActiveWorkbook.FileFormat
Case -4143: Typ = "Excel 2000 et plus"
Case 16: Typ = "Excel 2.1"
Case 29: Typ = "Excel 3"
Case 33: Typ = "Sheet Excel 4"
Case 35: Typ = "Workbook Excel 4"
Case 39: Typ = "Excel 5"
Case 43: Typ = "Excel 97/2000& 5/95"
Case Else: Typ = "Unknown"
End Select
MsgBox "File format: " & Typ & " !", 64
End Sub


Tushar Mehta

The closest thing I can find is the workbook object's
CalculationVersion property.


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

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