what to input into a address bar to open a new iexplore window


James Burt

okay seems a simple question and i hope the answer is easy
as well. Here is my question.
okay i run my desktop with the the following toolbars in
my start menu/taskbar
address, quick launch and active programs.
i run my iexplore with out the address bar visible as i
already have an address bar going in the taskbar.
my issue is this.
i can type c:\windows into the address bar, and that
folder opens up, i can then type c:\progra~1 and a new
folder window comes up. but when i do html content such as
a web address ie www.yahoo.com, it opens www.yahoo.com
into a new browser (okay heres the issue) now i type in
www.excite.com and it doesnt open a new browser window, it
recycles and takes the yahoo.com browser and opens excite
there instead of opening a new browser window.
I've poked and prodded my way thru stuff but google just
doesnt turn up the info i need when i do a "address, bar,
open, new, window" for me.
i know doing "iexplore www.google.com" into the address
bar works but i'm looking for some setting somewhere
somehow that will allow me to just type the web addresses
without hte iexplore infront of em. thanks for your time
on this issue, -james


K james, answer was easy (when I found it on the web)

start your IE goto Tools, Internet Options, advanced, browsing, and
uncheck "ReuseWindows
for Launching Shortcuts."

It worked 4 me, hope it does 4 you

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